Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

March 10, 2023:  AWA, CACAGNY, NYCRA, PGNY Rally to Lift Charter Cap

Event Flyers: English / Chinese


The Rally

 3/11/23  Epoch Times 低收入戶缺乏教育選擇 家長籲放寬紐約市特許學校上限

 3/11/23  Epoch Times 公校教育品質下滑 紐約華人家長搬離雷哥公園

 3/11/23 Sing Tao 多個團體教育局門前請願 特許學校擴建不該設上限

 3/11/23 World Journal 紐約華人團體示威 籲政治滾出教育

 3/11/23 World Journal  紐約教育衰退 家長:逼我們搬家

 3/10/23 AsAm News  Asian American parents rallied to call for more charter schools

 3/10/23 New York Post Asian parents to New York Democrats: ‘We have a right’ to charter school choice

 3/10/23 World Journal 華人挺紐約市取消特許學校上限 示威:政治滾出教育

 3/ 9/23  New York Post Asian-American parents latest group to rally to increase NYC charter schools

The Background

 3/ 7/23  New York Post Let charter schools flourish so NYC’s children can

 2/28/23 New York Post Pols rake in thousands in donations from teachers union while bashing charter schools
 2/18/23 New York Post The UFT's racist effort to crush charter schools

 2/15/23 City Journal  Parents Want Charters Because Schools Are for Kids, Not Unions — Politicians, Wake Up!

 2/ 6/23 Epoch Times  華人社團支持紐約州長取消特許學校數量上限

 2/ 4/23 World Journal  紐約特許學校教學優 就讀華生漸增

 2/ 2/23 World Journal  家長添選擇 霍楚擬取消特許學校上限

 3/19/22 New York Post  Asian parents—fed up with public education—want more charter schools

 2/18/22 City Journal  Charters for All
