Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

June 6, 2017:  CACAGNY Holds Crime & Safety Forum


CACAGNY in collaboration with 

The Lin Sing Association 
The Chinese Benevolent Assoc. 
Coalition of Asian Americans for Civil Rights

held a  Public Forum June 6, 2017 in New York Chinatown

Forgotten Victims: Crime and Violence Against Chinese Americans

The Auditorium at 
62 Mott Street
New York NY 10013
2pm -4pm
Refreshments at 1:30pm

Government statistics indicate crime is at an all time low in NYC, however, Chinese Americans don't feel safe. If you have been a victim of a crime or a violent act please tell us or speak up at the forum.

The CACAGNY wants to be sure that Chinese Americans are not Forgotten Victims.


May 25 Press Conference

CACAGNY Press Release
on.cc東網 美國華人:華裔社區罪案率低 因怕事所致
​Epoch Times 美華人頻遇襲 四團體6月6日辦論壇
​World Journal 華埠6‧6辦論壇 籲受害勇敢說出來
蘋果日報【紐約直擊】無證華人外賣仔常遇劫 怕遣返唔敢報警

June 6 Forum

World Journal 律師:警察不問受害人身分 語言不佳可求助
Epoch Times 华人为何屡遭侵害? 专家探讨安全之道 - 大纪元 東網: 美國華人:亞裔常遇劫 檢察官籲應主動報案


​May 25 Press Conference

​June 6 Forum