News -- 2020
12/30 Wall Street Journal The Tyranny of Diversity
12/29 Reason The Year Teachers Unions Killed the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg
12/28 China Press 天主教學校入學率激增
12/27 China Press 民代批市教育局初高中公校招生改革 規劃準備不周 發送錯誤信息 (Peter Koo, Steven Matteo)
12/27 New York Post Amid the pandemic, exodus from America’s public schools
12/26 Epoch Times 州參議員:短期內入學制度不會變化 (John Liu)
12/26 New York Post NYC parents upset ‘luck’ trumps merit in middle-school lottery admissions
12/26 World Journal 劉醇逸:紐約學校招生改革需更多審查 (John Liu)
12/25 New York Post State Sen. John Liu: NYC school admissions changes require more scrutiny (John Liu)
12/24 Queens Chronicle Middle school screens eliminated
12/24 World Journal 楊安澤已登記 參選紐約市長 (Andrew Yang)
12/22 Epoch Times 市府:SHSAT週一開始註冊 1/27考試
12/21 Epoch Times 針對紐約市招生政策改變 兩教育團體:應繼續以學術嚴格為標準
12/21 Reason An Anti-Racist Education for Middle Schoolers
12/20 China Press 教育维权团体要求市府扩展资优班等项目保证学生教育需求
12/20 China Press 市议员霍登宣布竞选连任 (Robert Holden)
12/20 New York Post De Blasio, Carranza exploit pandemic to strike at public-school standards
12/20 Sing Tao 指市長教育總監無視「多元化」 倡權組織批中學高中招生改革
12/20 World Journal 特殊高中考試 家長告教育局 要求30天內舉辦
12/19 China Press 纽约市宣布公校招生大改革 特殊高中考试21日起报名 初中筛选录取明年取消
12/19 Epoch Times 紐約招生政策終於公布! SHSAT在12/21起報名 暫停初中「篩選錄取」一年
12/19 Federalist The American Left Has Now Fully Embraced Racism
12/19 New York Post NYC DOE must give SHSAT for top school entry in 30 days, lawsuit demands
12/19 Sing Tao 高中入學學區優先權永久取消 初中篩選機制明年將暫停一年
12/19 World Journal 初中取消篩選 民代、華裔家長反對 (John Liu, Donghui Zang)
12/19 World Journal 紐約市家長提告市教育局 要求30天內辦特殊高中入學考
12/19 World Journal 特殊高中入學考試定了!1/27開始…初中取消篩選錄取
12/18 Chalkbeat NYC announces sweeping changes to middle, high school application process
12/18 China Press 初高中公立校招生改革 华人家长喜忧参半 (John Liu)
12/18 China Press 纽约公校大改革!特殊高中入学考试仍保留 明年初中录取不看成绩
12/18 NBC Washington School Board Votes for ‘Holistic Review' Admissions at Thomas Jefferson HS
12/18 New York Post De Blasio degrades school standards
12/18 New York Post NYC ends academic screens for middle schools — but keeps them for high schools
12/18 Patch School Board Adopts New Thomas Jefferson High Admissions Policy
12/18 Sing Tao 教育組織和民代 抨擊新錄取方法
12/18 Sinovision 弱化學區、分數作用紐約市宣布重大錄取改革
12/18 University Times Lawsuit filed against Pitt on behalf of cardiology professor Norman Wang
12/18 Wall Street Journal NYC to Drop Academic Criteria for In-Demand Middle-School Admissions
12/18 World Journal 特殊高中考試1月27日開始 公校錄取標準大改
12/18 WTOP Fairfax Co. votes to adopt ‘holistic review’ admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High
12/17 Federalist Nation's No. High School Poised to Pick Students Based on Race, Not Achievement
12/17 New York Post Indoctrinating an entire school system in PC racism
12/17 Trib Liv Pitt cardiologist sues school after backlash to his article on affirmative action
12/17 Wall Street Journal School Choice: Better Than Prozac
12/16 QNS Councilman Robert Holden officially launches bid for re-election (Robert Holden)
12/16 Quillette The Question of Affirmative Action: An Interview with Glenn Loury
12/15 Queens Post Council Member Robert Holden Announces Re-Election Bid (Robert Holden)
12/14 China Press 支持保留SHSAT李琳达参选市议员 (Linda Lee)
12/12 China Press 亚当斯拜访法拉盛华商会 向华人社区表达其竞选纽约市长理念 (Eric Adams)
12/12 Sing Tao 現任布碌崙區長競選市長 亞當斯訪問法拉盛華商會 (Eric Adams)
12/11 Daily Signal For ‘Diversity,’ Woke Bureaucrats Lower Number of Asians in Nation’s Best Public School
12/11 Wall Street Journal Misleading Washington’s Voters on Race
12/ 9 Specator Ongoing Delay of the SHSAT Elicits Concern
12/ 7 City Journal The Bias Fallacy
12/ 7 Heritage Foundation Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America
12/ 6 New York Daily News Save these schools: Keep the SHSAT for city schools, especially this year
12/ 6 USA Today The soft bigotry of anti-racist expectations is damaging to Black and white kids alike
12/ 5 World Journal 促教育局確定SHSAT日期 布碌崙科技高中校友會聲援
12/ 4 New York Daily News Keep this year’s SHSAT
12/ 4 Wall Street Journal Elite Public Schools Are the Poor’s Best Hope
12/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約特殊高中校友會致信州長:今年勿暫停SHSAT
12/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約中華公所致函市長 呼籲增設三所「試驗特別高中」
12/ 3 World Journal 保留SHSAT、增試驗高中 華社發起連署
12/ 2 China Press 纽约同源会发起向葛莫的公开联名信 要求继续今年特殊高中入学考试
12/ 2 China Press 解决亚裔相关的特殊高中政策冲突 中华公所致信市长建议特设试验特别高中
12/ 2 The 74 Million What Will Marks Based on ‘Equity, Motivation and Academic Integrity’ Mean for Fairness?
12/ 1 Epoch Times 紐約同源會:市府不能以疫情為藉口取消SHSAT (Assemblyman Colton's Petition)
11/ 28 New York Post How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America
11/ 28 New York Post Teachers union’s latest bid to bury any hope for NYC schoolchildren
11/ 25 Chalkbeat My family lived in poverty. For a long time, I hid that from my friends (original article)
11/ 25 Liberty Unyielding Virginia Attorney General’s office: Selective admissions are racist
11/ 25 Sing Tao 為保留SHSAT及天才班 州眾議員寇頓發請願書 (Assemblyman Colton's Petition)
11/ 25 Wall Street Journal A Progressive Assault on Selective High Schools
11/ 25 World Journal 州眾議員寇頓動員家長 促市府定SHSAT考試日期 (Assemblyman Colton's Petition)
11/ 24 Epoch Times 藉口保障非裔與拉丁裔 白思豪稱SHSAT「沒有意義」
11/ 24 World Journal 特殊高中改革欠考慮 白思豪向亞裔道歉…剩餘任期續推動
11/ 23 China Press 特殊高中問題上未正确處理族裔問題 白思豪:我有錯 向亞裔道歉
11/ 23 Kings County Politics Final Winners & Losers from The General Election, Witt Eats Crow
11/ 23 Orange County Register Asian Americans and the dawn of a new, national civil rights movement
11/ 20 City Journal Will Asian-Americans Trend Conservative?
11/ 20 New York School Talk NYC Parent Rails Against “DOE Attack on Literacy in NYC’s Public Schools”
11/ 20 Wall Street Journal The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry’
11/ 20 World Journal 支持篩選入學 教育維權組織讓數據說話 (Leroy Comrie, Toby Stavisky)
11/ 19 FlashReport Interview with Arnie Steinberg on the defeat of Prop 16
11/ 19 Politico New education coalition to unveil racial justice agenda for mayoral, City Council candidates
11/ 19 Queens County Politics Addabbo Supports SHSAT with Changes to Make it More Accessible (Joseph Addabbo)
11/ 18 Asian Dawn Progressives Declare War on Asians, Meritocracy and STEM
11/ 18 China Press 家长更忧阻碍SHSAT和资优班考试
11/ 18 China Press 學生組織狀告紐約市教育局 高中招生違反《民權法案》
11/ 18 Queens Gazette Letter to the Editor: State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, Assembly Member Nily Rozic
11/ 17 World Journal 學生組織告教育局 要求取消公校篩選錄取
11/ 16 New York Daily News NYC high school admissions violate Civil Rights Act: federal complaint
11/ 16 RT No longer POC? Grouping together of Asian and white students sparks accusations of 'racecraft'
11/ 16 WA Asians for Equality I-1000 opponents file lawsuit challenging misleading I-1300 ballot title
11/16 World Journal 學生組織狀告市教育局 指錄取歧視要求取消公校篩選
11/ 14 Epoch Times 白思豪:未來幾週公布SHSAT考試時間 可能網上進行
11/ 14 Gothamist NYC's School Admissions Remains Mystery To Anxious Parents, Students
11/ 14 Sing Tao 白思豪稱SHSAT 今年或網上進行
11/ 14 World Journal 白思豪:特殊高中考試或改線上進行
11/ 13 AMNY Advocates rally in Queens for continuation of Specialized High School Admissions Test
11/ 13 China Press 紐約市長:今年特殊高中入學考試或将在線進行
11/ 13 CIty Journal Performance Matters Most: closing the racial achievement gap
11/ 13 Epoch Times 皇后區家長民代集會 要求市教育局馬上公布SHSAT和天才班考試時間
(Toby Stavisky, John Liu, Nily Rozic, Robert Holden, Grace Meng, Nicole Malliotakis)
11/ 13 KIRO 7 New initiative goes beyond banning chokeholds
11/ 13 New York Post De Blasio says elite school test SHSAT might be given online
11/ 13 NTD TV 紐約華裔家長集會 要求儘快公布特殊高中考試時間 (Robert Holden)
11/ 13 Patch Parents Gather in the Rain Demanding SHSAT Exam
(John Liu, Toby Ann Stavisky, Peter Koo, Bob Holden, Nily Rozic, Joseph Addabbo)
11/ 13 QNS Advocates rally in Bayside for continuation of Specialized High School Admissions Test (John Liu)
11/ 13 Queens Chronicle Parents protest delays on SHSAT, gifted and talented testing
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Peter Koo, Bob Holden, Nily Rozic)
11/ 13 Sing Tao 憂當局取消特殊高中考試 居民聯盟同源會組織遊行
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic, Peter Koo, Robert Holden, Tony Avella)
11/ 13 USA Today Deep blue and overwhelmingly against racial preferences: What's going on in California
11/ 13 Wall Street Journal New York’s Kids Aren’t All Right
11/ 13 World Journal 華人家長抗議SHSAT拖延 促盡快公布日期
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic, Peter Koo, Robert Holden, Grace Meng)
11/ 12 Chalkbeat A big decision awaits Biden’s education pick: to test or not to test
11/ 12 China Press 上诉法院支持哈佛大学平权录取
11/ 12 Epoch Times 紐約市公立學校今秋流失3.1萬學生
11/ 12 Epoch Times 教育局發布「特殊高中招生講座」信息 次日突然稱活動延期
11/ 12 Harvard Crimson First Circuit Rules Harvard Admissions Process Does Not Violate Title VI
11/ 12 Sinovision 擇優升學報名一再延遲教育局取消所有說明會華人家長要求紐約市府:馬上給答复!
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic, Peter Koo, Robert Holden)
11/ 12 Spectator Administration Alters Freshmen Math and Science Course Placement
11/ 12 Wall Street Journal Harvard vs. Asian-Americans
11/ 12 World Journal 華人家長抗議市教育局拖延SHSAT 要求盡快公布考試日期
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic, Peter Koo, Robert Holden, Grace Meng)
11/ 11 Chalkbeat NYC public schools have lost 31,000 students this fall, preliminary data show
11/ 11 China Press 民代致信给市长 要求延长资优班开放SHSAT申请 (Toby Ann Stavisky, Nily Rozic)
11/ 11 College Fix NYC Department of Education to lessen impact of student grades in class rank
11/ 11 New York Post DOE postpones long-awaited admissions sessions day after announcing them
11/ 11 NTD TV 美國教育的突出問題:種族裔比例輕教學質量
11/ 11 Patch Black and Hispanic Families Voice Concerns Over Cancelled SHSAT
11/ 11 Sing Tao 高中入學諮詢會 再次推遲惹不滿
11/ 11 World Journal 高中招生說明會 16日起線上舉行
11/ 11 World Journal 16號提案擱淺 鄭博仁歸功華裔團結
11/ 10 Atlantic Why California Rejected Racial Preferences, Again
11/ 10 Epoch Times 教育局欲棄考試 專家:不敢輕舉妄動
11/ 9 China Press 紐約市教育局希望在确定班級排名時不考慮成績
11/ 9 New York Post DOE wants to move away from grades in determining class rank
11/ 9 New York School Talk The Other Epidemic: American High School Seniors Aren’t Proficient at Reading Or Math
11/ 9 Sacramento Bee Affirmative action failed on California's ballot--but colleges commit to diversity goals
11/ 9 Wall Street Journal Covid-19 Puts New York City School Admissions in Limbo
11/ 9 World journal 第16號提案被否決 大快人心
11/ 8 Wall Street Journal Latest Trial Over College Affirmative Action to Begin in North Carolina
11/ 7 China Press 布碌仑民代批市府公校重开政策失败 公校重开计划再度面临混乱 (William Colton)
11/ 7 Shorefront News “NYC Public Schools are being mismanaged” (William Colton)
11/ 7 World Journal 16號否決 反對力量團結 仍勿掉以輕心
11/ 6 Epoch Times 紐約共和黨選民成長 無在地力量 (Lester Chang)
11/ 6 India West Lawsuit Challenges Admissions Changes at Elite Public School
11/ 6 Local DVM Fairfax families file lawsuit over Thomas Jefferson High School admissions changes
11/ 6 NTD TV 加州選民拒絕種族配額 16號提案反對成功
11/ 6 NY1 Students Frustrated by Delay in Specialized High School Exam
11/ 6 Sing Tao 明年一月高中州會考取消 華裔家長:他們想推翻教育體系
11/ 6 Sing Tao 加州16號提案最終被否決 影響自身權益激發華人投票
11/ 6 Virgina Lawyers Weekly Lawsuit challenges admissions changes at elite public school
11/ 6 WDBJ 7 Lawsuit challenges admissions changes at elite public school
11/ 6 World Journal 16號公投案 民意重挫民主黨
11/ 6 World Journal 加州12個公投恐怕只過5項 民意似不再左傾
11/ 6 World Journal 反16號提案 華人展現政治實力
11/ 5 Bloomberg New York City to Delay Selective High School Admission Exams
11/ 5 Epoch Times 加州反歧視里程碑 選民否決第16號提案
11/ 5 Midland Daily News Lawsuit challenges admissions changes at elite public school
11/ 5 NBC Washington Lawsuit Challenges Admissions Changes at Elite Public School in Virginia
11/ 5 News India Fairfax families, including Indian Americans, sue over admissions changes at Thomas Jefferson
11/ 5 Patch Families File Lawsuit After TJ Admissions Test Eliminated
11/ 5 Sing Tao 顧雅明致信教育總監 呼籲確定考試時間 (Peter Koo)
11/ 5 Sing Tao 以弱勝強典型案例 第十六號提案敗北
11/ 5 World Journal 顧雅明致信教育總監 促恢復特殊高中、資優班入學考 (Peter Koo)
11/ 5 World Journal 第16號提案未過關 反提案草根組織努力有成
11/ 5 World Journal 56.1%人反對 16號提案遭否決 11組織:加州人的勝利
11/ 5 World Journal 16號提案開歷史倒車 遭高票否決
11/ 5 WTOP Lawsuit challenges admissions changes at elite Thomas Jefferson High School
11/ 4 China Press 顾雅明促确定特殊高中资优班考试时间 (Peter Koo)
11/ 4 City Journal Colorblind California
11/ 4 Daily Caller Californians Vote Down Proposition That Would Reinstate Affirmative Action
11/ 4 Detroit News California voters reject affirmative action ballot measure
11/ 4 Epoch Times 瑪麗奧稱勝出 羅斯不言敗 (Nicole Malliotakis)
11/ 4 Epoch Times 從ACA5到第16號公投 加州華裔:一路艱辛走來
11/ 4 LA Times Why affirmative action measure failed in California
11/ 4 New York Post California voters firmly reject affirmative action by wide margin
11/ 4 Town Hall Harris Supported Proposition to Bring Back Affirmative Action Fails in California
11/ 4 Wall Street Journal Racial Thunder Out of California Tuesday’s Big Loser: Identity Politics
11/ 4 World Journal 要求恢復特殊高中、資優班入學考 顧雅明致信教育總監 (Peter Koo)
11/ 3 Sing Tao 居民聯盟發布大選投票建議 致力保衛SHSAT和社區治安 (Liu, Braunstein, Malliotakis, Colton, Hevesi, Addabbo)
11/ 2 China Press 居民聯盟發表聲明支持三位皇後區州級議員連任 呼籲選民大選日投票發聲 (Stavisky, Liu, Braunstein)
11/ 2 Epoch Times 紐約居民聯盟背書瑪麗奧 (Nicole Malliotakis, Toby Ann Stavisky, William Colton)
11/ 2 Real Clear Investigations The Racial-Justice War On Merit-Based Schools is an Injustice Against Excellence
11/ 2 World Journal 努力保衛SHSAT 劉醇逸獲居民聯盟背書 (John Liu, Toby Ann Stavisky, William Colton, Edward Braunstein)
11/ 1 World Jouranl 反16號提案團體最後造勢活動 多人響應
11/ 1 World Journal 涉排華 爾灣華人反16號提案
10/31 World Journal 16號提案 華人痛批開歷史倒車 籲踴躍出來投反對票
10/31 World Journal 傷害亞裔 爾灣華人集會反對16號提案
10/31 Sing Tao 共和黨州參議員候選人 鄭永佳:反對廢除HSHAT (Lester Chang)
10/31 Sing Tao 皇后區長候選人重視華人權益 共和黨艾利歐拉支持保留SHSAT (Joann Ariola)
10/30 Epoch Times 「提高皇后區居民生活質量」 獨立候選人尹導談政見 (Joann Ariola, Dao Yin)
10/30 Sing Tao 反對加州16號提案民眾 將在南北加州示威抗議
10/30 Sing Tao 主張廢除平權禁令 16號提案前景不妙
10/30 World Journal 華人抗議16號提案「開歷史的倒車」
10/30 World Journal 16號提案民調相近 反方周末動員催票
10/29 Epoch Times “不想看到皇后区变差” 共和党皇后区长候选人谈政见 (Joann Ariola)
10/29 Epoch Times 民調:多數加州人反對平權和租控公投案
10/29 China Press 纽约市教育局禁止成功学院在学校内组织SAT考试
10/29 Creators Black Education Matters
10/29 National Review Californians Should Vote Against Legalizing Race Discrimination
10/29 Sing Tao 「皇后區長論壇」民主黨理查斯缺席 共和黨喬利歐拉尹導各抒政見 (Joann Ariola, Dao Yin)
10/29 World Journal 華人組織辦皇后區區長候選人論壇 民主黨候選人缺席 (Joann Ariola, Dao Yin)
10/28 Chalkbeat High school seniors made no progress in math, reading on federal test
10/28 China Press 角逐第11选区国会议员 玛丽奥:为选区华人服务 (Nicole Malliotakis)
10/28 China Press 州参议员候选人郑永佳访中华公所 支持SHSAT反对社区监狱 (Lester Chang)
10/28 New York Post Success Academy says DOE blocked request to use building for SAT exam
10/28 NTD TV 郭女士 教育專訪 川普在拯救美國
10/28 Sing Tao 瑪麗奧向華裔闡述其政綱 承諾當選後聘請華裔助理 (Nicole Malliotakis)
10/28 US News & World Report Reading Scores Fall Among U.S. High School Seniors
10/28 World Journal 胡佛研究員陳仁宜:16號提案恐惡化族裔對立
10/27 Electeds Statements of Support on G&T Programs, Screended Admissions, and SHSAT
10/27 Wall Street Journal With Justice Barrett, Is the End Near for Racial Preferences?
10/27 World Journal 加州16號提案最新民調 49%反對38%贊同
10/26 Asian Dawn Black Lives Matter Harasses Asian Students Protesting Against New Admission Policies
10/26 New York Post New DOE grading policy won’t penalize students over late work or attendance
10/26 SF Gate Poll: California's Prop. 16 in deep trouble
10/26 World Journal 民主黨州議員 至今仍在說謊
10/26 World Journal 反16提案 民調領先 華人團體振奮
10/25 China Press 市教育局:普通高中和特殊高中入學申請推遲
10/25 National Review Distortions and Smears Surround California’s Affirmative Action Bid
10/25 Wall Street Journal California’s Racial Scare Campaign
10/24 Epoch Times 家長籲保SHSAT和資優班 反對者鬧場
(Peter Abbate, William Colton, Andrew Gounardes, Nicole Malliotakis, Grace Meng)
10/24 Epoch Times 紐約市教育總監以疫情為由 暗示取消資優班考試
10/24 New York Post Richard Carranza’s grading policy aims to bar failing marks: NYC DOE memo
10/24 Sing Tao 數百人集會炮轟白思豪 「黑命貴」非裔鬧場叫罵 (William Colton, Peter Abbate, John Liu, Grace Meng)
10/24 World Journal 捍衛SHSAT市府前示威 反對者鬧場 (Peter Abbate, Andrew Gounardes, William Colton)
10/24 World Journal 疫情為由 教育局擬取消資優班考試
10/23 China Press 逾百名家长民代市政厅集会捍卫SHSAT (William Colton, Andrew Gounardes, Peter Abbate)
10/23 China Press 紐約教育局長暗示 因新冠疫情天才班項目将有所變化
10/23 6ParkNews 打击亚裔学生!纽约特殊高中要取消入学成绩! (Peter Abbate, Andrew Gounardes)
10/23 New York Daily News NYC education groups hold opposing rallies over admissions rules (Robert Cornegy, Ben Kallos)
10/23 New York Post Tensions boil over at rally to keep competitive admissions in NYC schools
(Robert Cornegy, Ben Kallos, Andrew Gounardes)
10/23 NY1 Protesters Scuffle in Manhattan as SHSAT Date Remains Unclear
10/23 Sinovision (video) “想藉機取消選拔考試?” 逾百名紐約家長要求市府公佈SHSAT計劃
10/23 Sinovision (video) 互喊口號集會變“戰場” 紐約市選拔考試支持/反對者對峙
10/23 World Journal 保SHSAT、資源班和篩選學校 紐約市府前示威遭反對者嗆 場面失控 (Peter Abbate, Andrew Gounardes)
10/23 World Journal 第16號提案要恢復平權 民調落後
10/22 Epoch Times 以疫情為理由 舊金山洛威高中2021學年招生抽籤
10/22 NAEBC The Best High School in the Country May be Sacrificed to Diversity
10/22 New York Post Carranza hints at Gifted and Talented program changes due to COVID-19
10/22 Orange County Register Proposition 16 solves for a problem that may not actually exist
10/22 Sing Tao 瑪麗奧向華裔闡述其政綱 承諾當選後聘請華裔助理 (Nicole Malliotakis)
10/22 WBUR Boston School Committee Chair Resigns After Outrage Over Mocking Asian Names
10/21 American Renaissance The Best High School in the Country May be Sacrificed to Diversity
10/21 Call Voter 精准打击亚裔:全美第一高中变成抽签入学?
10/21 Forbes What The Research Says On Tests And Test-Optional Policies In College Admissions
10/21 The Hill De Blasio's obsession with racial balance in schools has a clear victim: Asian students
10/21 Sing Tao 華人組織周五示威 保天才班特殊高中
10/20 Boston Herald Removing exams from exam schools undercuts education
10/19 WTOP Parents, alumni protest after admissions changed at Thomas Jefferson High School
10/19 Reason San Diego Public Schools Will Overhaul Its Grading System To Achieve 'Anti-Racism'
10/18 Universal Hub On steps of Boston Latin, parents rally to keep exam; across street, parents rally against
10/18 World Journal 反16號提案組織示威 庫比蒂諾百人響應
10/18 World Journal 張玲齡:反對ACA5 禁止歧視合法化
10/17 China press 玛丽奥举行亚裔社区线上里民会宣传政纲 阐述对公共安全等方面政见 (Nicole Malliotakis)
10/17 New York Post Carranza’s deputy calls decisions on school admissions criteria ‘political’
10/17 Sing Tao 民調:加州16號提案恐敗北 太多爭議性
10/16 Epoch Times 紐約市議長:市府儘早公布SHSAT和G&T考試時間
10/16 Quillette Asra Nomani on the Damage Inflicted on Asian-American Students by Critical Race Theory
10/16 World Journal 特殊高中考試信息 教育總監:盡快公布
10/15 Asian Dawn San Fran’s Lowell High School Will Admit Students Through Lottery System
10/15 SF Gate 'I'm listening to a bunch of racists': Meeting devolves over proposed Lowell admissions policy
10/15 NBC San Diego San Diego Unified School District Changes Grading System to ‘Combat Racism'
10/15 World Journal 特殊高中入學考試何時考?市教育總監:會盡快公布
10/15 World Journal 反第16號提案 華人草根組織加州4地聯合示威
10/15 World Journal 反對者:加州公投16號提案影響亞裔教育就業
10/14 Epoch Times 紐約特殊高中報考時間未公布 家長焦慮
10/14 SF Bay Lowell High School admissions policy debate draws tense moments
10/14 SF Examiner Proposal to change Lowell admissions triggers angry response
10/13 Hoodline Lowell’s proposed lottery system riles SF parents who want merit-based admissions
10/13 LA Times Vote NO on Proposition 16 — A racist solution to racism
10/13 SF Gate Dumping academics for a lottery is dumb move for S.F.'s elite Lowell High
10/12 Wall Street Journal Amy Coney Barrett and the Ivies
10/12 World Journal 何永儉:16號提案將破壞加州教育公平性
10/11 ABC 7 News 'I'm getting choked up': Lowell may move to lottery admissions, school district announces
10/11 World Journal SHSAT推遲 紐約同源會促公布時間
10/10 Asian Dawn School Board Eliminates Admissions Test at Thomas Jefferson High School
10/10 KPIX Lowell High School in SF May Switch From Merit Selection System to Lottery
10/10 China Press 时间仅剩一月 仍不见考试章程 纽约同源会等吁市府尽快提供特殊高中考试明确时间表 (John Liu)
10/10 Epoch Times 紐約高中申請及特殊高中報考 截止時間延後
10/10 KCBS SF Board of Education to meet and vote on lottery system for elite Lowell High School
10/ 9 CACAGNY Joins Letter to De Blasio and Carranza on SHSAT ADminisration
10/ 9 New Amrican Virginia School Board Pauses Plan to Punish Teachers who Criticize Critical Race Theory
10/ 9 SF Gate Elite Lowell High School admissions would become a lottery under S.F. district proposal
10/ 9 Sinovision 纽约市特殊高中考试未开放报名 华裔家长担忧:怕考试被拖没了 (John Liu)
10/ 9 World Journal SHSAT迄未開放報名 教育局:防疫第一
10/ 9 WTOP School board to eliminate admission test, fee at elite Fairfax County high school
10/ 9 WNBC Washington Fairfax School Board Approves Proposal to Change Admissions for Thomas Jefferson
10/ 8 Boston Globe Boston’s exam schools may drop entrance test for one year
10/ 8 Epoch Times 臧東慧參選市議員:市議會需要有「常識」的議員 (Donghui Zang)
10/ 8 The Chief Carranza Wrong That It's Biased: Ending Specialized Test Will Hurt City Education
10/ 8 Washington Post Fairfax school board eliminates admissions test at Thomas Jefferson
10/ 8 WBUR Boston Wants To Scrap Exam School Admissions Test For Next School Year
10/ 8 Yale Daily News Justice Department sues Yale over alleged discrimination in admissions
10/ 7 Epoch Times 今年SHSAT報名鏈接仍未開通 令家長擔心
10/ 7 World Journal 傷害亞裔學子 反16號提案再催票
10/ 6 Asian Dawn Merit System “Racist” If the Majority of Students Are Asian or White
10/ 6 Channel 4 A 1% chance of achieving your dream
10/ 6 IVN San Diego A Mixed-Race Girl Says ‘No’ to Proposition 16 and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
10/ 6 The 74 Million No Test Scores? How NYC Can Screen for Admissions Without Exams
10/ 6 Wall Street Journal Can School be ‘Antiracist’? A New Superintendent in Evanston, Ill., Has a Plan
10/ 6 Washington Examiner Against racial quotas? Help defeat California Prop 16
10/ 5 In Depth News Californians for Equal Rights and Prop 16
10/ 5 The Hill California's Prop 16 would allow discrimination against women
10/ 5 Washington Examiner Against racial quotas? Help defeat California Prop 16
10/ 5 WTOP Fairfax County amends proposal to change admissions at elite Thomas Jefferson High
10/ 5 WUSA Protests continue over proposed admission changes to prestigious FCPS high school
10/ 3 Epoch Times 恢復種族平權16號提案 非裔團體亦反對
10/ 3 New York Post NYC parents worry Carranza will use COVID-19 as excuse to cancel the SHSAT
10/ 3 Sing Tao 家長憂卡蘭薩借疫情 取消特殊高中入學試
10/ 2 College Fix Public school district looks to punish teachers for criticizing critical race theory
10/ 2 GBRA Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic
10/ 1 Epoch Times 平等權益聯盟邀請民主黨人 共同反16號提案
10/ 1 Larry O'Connor Show Azra Nomani on The Larry O'Connor Show
10/ 1 National Review Thomas Jefferson High School Wants Fewer Asians
10/ 1 World Journal 華人政治聯盟背書18候選人 聲明反對第16號提案
9/30 Epoch Times 非裔民權領袖公開反對16號提案
9/30 Federalist Fairfax, Va. School District Spent $24,000 On Ibram Kendi Books For U.S. History Classes
9/30 Orange County Register Prop. 16 won’t end injustice, but it will jeopardize equality under the law
9/30 West NoVA News LCPS proposal would punish teachers who criticize critical theory
9/29 California Political Review Vote ‘No’ on Affirmative Action Proposition 16. Here’s Why
9/29 Inside NOVA Public voices discontent over proposed changes to TJ admissions
9/29 World Journal 刺激大學生自殺率 降低學術聲譽 華洋籲反對16號提案
9/28 City Watch Vote ‘No’ on Affirmative Action Proposition 16. Here’s Why
9/28 Loudoun Times-Mirror School Board criticizes proposed Thomas Jefferson admissions changes
9/28 Washington Free Beacon Loudoun County Schools Spend Hundreds of Thousands on Critical Race Theory
9/27 World Journal 平權組織27日晚反16號提案 民主黨領袖站台
9/26 NTD TV 反歧視 加州多數選民不支持16號提案
9/25 Associated Press Dianne Feinstein’s husband named in UC admissions scandal
9/25 BPR Diane Feinstein’s husband identified in University of California admittance scandal
9/25 Epoch Times Sen. Feinstein’s Husband Named in University of California Admissions Scam
9/25 Fox News Dianne Feinstein’s husband named in audit of 'unfair' University of California admissions
9/25 Milpitas Beat No on Prop 16 car rally draws crowds in Milpitas
9/25 Sing Tao 家長組織 抗議TJ新入學政策
9/25 World Journal 反16號提案民調領先 草根組織籲堅持到投票
9/24 Epoch Times 維州TJ高中改為抽籤入學 家長抗議不公
9/24 Epoch Times 反歧視 加州多數選民不支持16號提案
9/24 Inside NOVA Sun Gazette editorial: Another misstep on TJ admissions
9/24 NTD TV 維護傳統教育標準 加州民眾反對16號法案
9/24 Queens Chronicle Crowded field: 10 in race to replace Koz (Donghui Zang)
9/23 City Journal Merit on the Ropes
9/23 Inside NOVA Reject Band-Aid approach to addressing TJ admissions
9/23 Quillette Rallying to Protect Admissions Standards at America’s Best Public High School
9/23 WJLA Parents, students protest lottery admission proposal for Fairfax magnet high school
9/23 World Journal 加州共和黨大咖 反16號提案
9/22 China Press 華裔臧東慧參選第29選區市議員 (Donghui Zang)
9/22 Epoch Times 反對16號提案 苗必達民眾集會及汽車遊行
9/22 Loudoun Now Letter: Natassia Grover, Ashburn
9/22 NTD TV 反對16號提案 苗必達民眾集會再汽車遊行
9/22 NBC Washington Proposed Change in Admissions at Elite Virginia School Stirs Controversy
9/22 Quillette Dr. Norman C. Wang and Selective Outrage
9/22 World Journal 第16號平權法 主流沒興趣 11‧3提案恐敗落
9/22 World Journal 「努力不如幸運」TJ高中擬改抽籤錄取 家長、學生抗議
9/21 NBC Washington Protesters Criticize Plan to End Admissions Test at Elite High School
9/21 Patch Hunter Students Lament School's Growing 'Diversity Crisis'
9/21 Wall Street Journal An Anti-Asian Proposition
9/20 Capital City Info Coalition for TJ抗議抽籤入學的新規定
9/20 Local DVM Students and parents protest proposed admissions changes
9/20 World Journal 反16號提案 最後一場車隊遊行人氣旺
9/20 World Journal 南北加同步集會 反對16號提案
9/20 World Journal 「努力不如幸運」STEM明星高中TJ擬改抽籤入學 家長學生抗議
9/19 Sing Tao 亞太裔領袖呼籲 支持十六號提案
9/19 World Journal 缺考不能扣分…史岱文森新政策 老師反彈
9/19 World Journal 南加州華人集會反對16號提案
9/18 California Globa New Poll Shows 47% Of Californians Against Prop. 16, 22% Undecided
9/18 City Journal Show Us Your Systemic Racism, Princeton
9/18 City Journal Critical Race Theory in American Classrooms
9/18 Epoch Times 民調:種族平權不得人心 加州第16號提案懸了
9/18 Epoch Times 總裁太太資助16號提案 民眾到Netflix抗議
9/18 Korea Daily 대입·취업은 기회균등·능력주의가 답이다
9/18 National Review California's Prop 16 Could Soon Give Racial Preferences
9/18 New York Post Teachers at Stuyvesant High School revolt amid softened academic policy
9/18 Reason Affirmative Action in College Admissions Will Be on California's Ballot in November
9/18 Sing Tao 史蒂文生校長下令 補考學生不會扣分
9/18 World Journal 缺考補考不能扣分 史岱文森高中教師反對學術「軟化」
9/18 World Journal 16號提案民調反對 亞裔好消息
9/17 Epoch Times 全美第一的托馬斯傑斐遜高中或改為抽籤入學
9/17 National File Nation’s Best High School To Embrace Critical Race Theory, Scrap Admissions Tests
9/17 World Journal 加州16號提案主流民調: 47%反對 31%支持
9/17 World Journal 反16號提案 周六南北加州串連車遊
9/17 World Journal 16號提案製造歧視 張玲齡、夏樂柏反對
9/17 WTOP Thomas Jefferson student speaks out against proposed admissions changes at elite school
9/16 Fairfax Republicans Asra Nomani: Woke Leftists “Targeting Asian Kids”
9/16 Los Angeles Times Poll finds shaky support for Proposition 16 to restore affirmative action in California
9/16 Reason If Proposition 16 Passes, California's Future Might Look Like This
9/16 Sacramento Bee Bringing back affirmative action has little support among California voters, poll shows
9/16 San Francisco Chronicle Racial quotas have an ugly pedigree. California shouldn’t try to bring them back
9/16 Sing Tao 全國頂尖公立高中 傑菲遜擬採抽籤錄取
9/15 San Diego Tribune Why you should vote no on Prop. 16 and reject racial preferences in California
9/14 CBS 19 News PTA clashes with education secretary on admissions changes
9/14 Fairfax Republicans Want to Solve TJ’s Diversity Problem? Reject a False Binary
9/14 NTD TV Netflix總部前抗議 硅谷民眾反對16號法案
9/14 Sing Tao 反特殊高中改革出道 臧東慧出選市議員 (Donghui Zang)
9/14 World Journal 反16號提案 民眾聚Netflix總部抗議
9/12 Bakersfield Endorsement: Prop 16 – Vote NO on restoring ‘affirmative action’
9/12 Epoch Times 加州大學批209法案 UCLA教授斥研究不實
9/11 Bacon's Rebellion Qarni’s War on Meritocracy Gets Personal
9/11 Edweek Elite Public High School at the Center of Racial Debate
9/11 San Francisco Chronicle Racial preferences are wrong: Vote no on California Prop. 16
9/11 Richmond Times-Dispatch Northern Virginia PTA clashes with education secretary on admissions
9/11 Washington Post An unfair push for racial equality at Thomas Jefferson
9/11 World Journal 洛加大平權研究 打臉柏加大
9/10 Fairfax Republicans Virginia’s Education Secretary Must Go
9/10 Mercury News Why voters should oppose Prop. 16, retain state’s race-neutral law
9/10 Pilot Online Virginia PTA clashes with state officials over changing school’s admissions policy
9/10 Sing Tao 反對第16號提案 車遊將再舉行一波
9/10 Washington Post PTA clashes with education secretary on admissions changes
9/ 9 AP PTA clashes with education secretary on admissions changes
9/ 9 Los Angeles Times Debate over California's affirmative action ban rages anew at UC
9/ 8 NTD TV Prop16欲行種族配額 UC教授:衝擊各族裔
9/ 7 Loudoun Now Parents Challenge Loudoun Academies Admission Policy Changes with Lawsuit
9/ 6 Epoch Times 16 號提案以公平之名推翻公平 亞裔反對
9/ 5 Powerline Parents sue Montgomery County schools over race discrimination
9/ 4 Orange County Register Reject state-sanctioned discrimination, reject Proposition 16: Betty Chu
9/ 4 Sing Tao 南加主流媒體罕見聲明 背書反對16號提案
9/ 3 Asian Dawn Parents Sue School System for Discriminating Against Asian Children
9/ 3 Bethesda Magazine Montgomery County Public Schools sued over magnet school admissions
9/ 3 World Journal 反16號提案 南北加周六將再次串連示威
9/ 2 American Thinker Trump should challenge Biden, Harris to denounce California’s Proposition 16
9/ 2 College Fix Civil rights groups cheer Justice Department for finding Yale discriminates against Asians, whites
9/ 2 Daily Signal Maryland Parents Sue School System for Discriminating Against High-Achieving Asian Kids
9/ 2 USSA News Maryland Parents Sue School System for Discriminating Against High-Achieving Asian Kids
9/ 1 Pacific Legal Foundation AFEF v. Montgomery County Public Schools
8/ 31 CNS News Spoof Petition Calls for 15% Asians on NBA, NFL Teams
8/ 31 Sing Tao 亞裔家長跨州串連 保衛公校擇優錄取
8/ 30 New York Post Richard Carranza wants to use COVID-19 as excuse to kill standardized testing
8/ 28 California Globe Facebook Mistakenly Bans NO on Prop 16 Campaign for Hate Speech
8/ 28 Orange County Register Vote No on Proposition 16 to defend state’s respect for diversity and equality
8/ 28 World Journal 16號提案 鄭博仁:假平等真歧視
8/ 28 World Journal 華人反對第16號提案 抗議車游活動
8/ 27 College Fix Facebook removes post showing anti-Asian racism by pro-affirmative action lawmaker
8/ 27 Epoch Times 挺16號提案的研究還可靠嗎?
8/ 27 Queens Chronicle Preserve and expand NYC’s successful G&T programs
8/ 27 Sing Tao 市議員今提決議案 取消初中錄取篩選 (Brad Lander)
8/ 27 World Journal 市議員提案 取消初中篩選入學 亞裔家長反對 (Brad Lander)
8/ 26 California Policy Matters Prop. 16 is Real Racism to Combat Perceived Racism
8/ 26 Fairfax Republicans Asra Nomani Breaks Down the Woke Left’s War on TJ High School
8/ 26 National Review Rick Sander Wants to Retain Race-Neutrality in California
8/ 26 NTD TV 反16號提案 南加民眾拒絕將歧視合法化
8/ 25 China Press 南北加州同时掀起反对16号提案的浪潮
8/ 25 World Journal 傷害華人權益…反對16號提案 聯盟南北加串連示威
8/ 24 Epoch Times 爾灣集會籲廣傳:16號提案實質為歧視
8/ 24 Epoch Times 舊金山集會車遊反歧視 呼籲對16號提案投反對票
8/ 24 Sing Tao 南 北 加 州 舉 行 聯合 車 遊 反 Prop.16
8/ 23 China Press 华裔反对加州16号法案:我们需要平等机会而非平等结果
8/ 23 World Journal 反對16號提案 華人大遊行
8/ 22 China Press 教育維權團體緻信市教育局 要求明确疫情之下新學年資優班招生方式
8/ 22 World Journal 16號修憲 打著平權旗號爭特權
8/ 21 Epoch Times 向加州15號、16號和21號公投案說「不」
8/ 20 Asra Investigates Why Kamala Harris and the Dems Betray the Legacy of Her Mother
8/ 20 Inside NOVA Another assault on TJ admissions?
8/ 19 Fairfax Republicans Woke War on America’s #1 Public High School
8/ 19 Sing Tao 灣脊州參議員郭納德談政績 天主學校改建特殊高中遭市長否決 (Andrew Gounardes)
8/ 19 World Journal 州參議員郭納德 支持公校安全重開 (Andrew Gounardes)
8/ 16 The Hill California ballot contains four unconstitutional propositions
8/ 16 World Journal 反16號提案 華人集結150輛車中半島遊行示威
8/ 16 World Journal 華裔是不受歡迎族群?
8/ 15 New York Post Yale can’t discriminate against Jews and Asians and expect taxpayer money
8/ 14 Bacon's Rebellion Woke War on America’s No. 1 High School
8/ 14 City Journal Merit, Contested
8/ 14 Epoch Times 美司法部:耶魯招生歧視亞裔 違反民權法
8/ 13 Bacon's Rebellion Northam’s “Anti-Asian, Anti-Immigrant” School Initiative
8/ 13 China Press 调查指耶鲁大学涉嫌歧视亚裔 司法部:违反联邦法案
8/ 13 Federalist DOJ Determines Yale Racially Discriminated Against Whites And Asians In Admissions
8/ 13 New York Post Yale illegally discriminates against white, Asian applicants: DOJ
8/ 13 US Department of Justice Yale Illegally Discriminates Against Asians and Whites in Undergraduate Admissions (Letter)
8/ 13 Wall Street Journal Justice Goes to Yale Yale Discriminated by Race in Undergraduate Admissions
8/ 13 Washington Examiner DOJ threatens lawsuit if Yale doesn't end ‘illegal discrimination’
8/ 13 World Journal 司法部調查:耶魯大學招生歧視亞裔、白人
8/ 13 World Journal 16號提案 亞裔聯手反對
8/ 12 Epoch Times 加州16號公投案廢舊法 引入種族性別因素
8/ 12 NTD TV 反對種族配額提案 南加華人區現車隊遊行
8/ 11 China Press 华人车队游行抗议16号公投案歧视
8/ 11 Loudoun Times-Mirros School Board approves changes to Academies of Loudoun admissions process
8/ 11 World Journal 第16號提案 以平等之名帶來歧視
8/ 10 California Globe Rally at State Capitol: ‘Don’t Legalize Discrimination’
8/ 9 Epoch Times 「No on Prop 16」 數百民眾亞市遊行反歧視
8/ 9 Orange County Register Prop. 16 threatens California’s commitment to equality: Ward Connerly
8/ 9 Sing Tao 華裔組500輛車隊高喊「反歧視」 加州16號提案正反雙方爭議大
8/ 9 World Journal 反對16號提案 華人大集會
8/ 9 World Journal 反16號提案 沙市舉辦車遊
8/ 8 World Journal 洛杉磯華人大集會反對16號提案
8/ 7 Epoch TImes 2020選票語言被控誤導 加州公投案挨告
8/ 6 Sing Tao 布朗士科技高中校長宣布退休 華人家長憂未來不確定性增加
8/ 5 National Review U. of Pittsburgh Medical Center Punishes Doctor Who Questioned Affirmative Action
8/ 5 World Journal 16號提案開戰 正反方互告
8/ 4 Epoch Times 華裔官員挺16號公投案 引眾怒
8/ 3 China Press 法拉盛最佳高中项目经费被砍 议员谴责 (John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Edward Braunstein, Nily Rozic, Ron Kim)
8/ 3 Los Angeles Times A bumper crop of California ballot measure lawsuits
8/ 3 Orange County Register Xavier Becerra should stop undermining California’s democracy
8/ 3 Sing Tao 史岱文森高中校長 華人接任社區存疑慮
8/ 3 World Journal 阻截16號提案 亞裔社區大聯盟 集結反對聲勢
8/ 2 New York Post A Joe Biden presidency would be a disaster for our schools
8/ 2 San Francisco Chronicle What’s in a name? Unhappy California initiative backers say sue state
8/ 2 The Hill Campaigns accuse California AG of slanted descriptions of ballot initiatives
8/ 1 World Journal 反16號提案 南北加聯合造勢
8/ 1 World Journal 16號提案開歷史倒車 須反對
7/ 31 Epoch Times 南北加州車隊遊行抵制16號公投案
7/ 31 Sing Tao 劉醇逸等16議員致函教育總監 要求保留哈里斯高中搭橋年項目 (John Liu, Nily Rozic, Toby Stavisky, Ron Kim, 12 others)
7/ 31 World Journal 紐約最佳高中 重點項目被砍 校長批打壓篩選型學校 (Nily Rozic, John Liu)
7/ 30 Gotham Gazette What Those Targeting the SHSAT Don’t Understand About the Specialized High Schools
7/ 30 World Journal 「為公平?」市教育局砍紐約排名第一高中重點項目
7/ 29 Orange County Register Proposition 16 will bring back racial discrimination: Bob Huff
7/ 29 New York Post Department of Education defunds key program at top city high school
7/ 29 New York Post Teaching marginalized kids taught me orderly classrooms, Western canon keys to liberation
7/ 29 World Journal 夏樂柏伉儷挺亞裔爭平等 訪灣區號召反對16號提案
7/ 29 World Journal 16號提案影響升學 共和黨民代反對
7/ 26 City & State John Liu, iron man (John Liu)
7/ 26 World Journal 反Pro16車隊 南灣金寶市集結
7/ 25 Epoch Times 特殊高中改革立法提案再遭挫败 (Walter Mosley, Charles Barron)
7/ 24 Reason The Media Wants To Guilt-Trip Parents Over School 'Pods'
7/ 24 Wall Street Journal America Isn’t a Racist Country
7/ 24 World Journal 特殊高中錄取改革提案 州議會封殺 (John Liu)
7/ 23 China Press 废SHSAT案州议会再败 (John Liu)
7/ 23 New York Post Racial obsessions make it impossible for NYC schools to treat parents, kids as people
7/ 23 Queens Chronicle Legislators coming for the SHSAT
7/ 23 Sing Tao 參院法案遭挫敗 SHSAT今年保住了
7/ 23 Sinovision 反SHSAT法案再擱淺但下次還能順利阻止嗎? (John Liu)
7/ 23 World Journal 紐約市特殊高中入學標準改革提案 州議會今年再攔 (John Liu)
7/ 22 Kings County Politics SHSAT Bill Remians Unresolved (Walter Mosley, William Colton)
7/ 21 China Press 黄友兴再次当选24学区委主席
7/ 21 Patch Hundreds Protest Prop. 16 In Tri-Valley
7/ 21 Wall Street Journal Thomas Sowell Has Been Right From the Start
7/ 21 World Journal 「黑人的命也是命」燒到校園 廢SHSAT呼聲再起 (John Liu, Walter Mosley, Charles Barron, Michael Blake)
7/ 21 World Journal 反16號提案線上研討 憂亞裔就業更難
7/ 20 Epoch Times 中華公所發信 捍衛亞裔生平等權
7/ 20 New York School Talk NYC DOE: Bad Education Not Good Enough Reason To Transfer School
7/ 20 World Journal 州議員再提廢SHSAT 中華公所反對
7/ 17 Sing Tao 夏樂伯呼籲反對加州第16號公投案
7/ 17 World Journal 近20年來首見!加大今秋新生亞裔被超越了
7/ 17 World Journal 反歧視 夏樂柏籲推翻16號提案
7/ 16 Patch Tri-Valley Car Rally Planned Saturday In Protest Of Prop. 16
7/ 16 Pleasanton Weekly Car rally against Prop 16 planned in Tri-Valley on Saturday
7/ 16 World Journal 推翻16號提案 反對力量要結合
7/ 16 World Journal 反對16號提案 華人18日布利桑頓再次車隊遊行
7/ 15 China Press 社区吁保卫特高入学考试 (NYC Email Campaign/Phone Campaign)
7/ 13 New York School Talk Is the NYC Department of Ed Deliberately Undermining Some Schools?
7/ 12 Wall Street Journal The Ideological Corruption of Science
7/ 12 World Journal 州議會擬改革特殊高中 同源會阻擋 (NYC Email Campaign/Phone Campaign)
7/ 12 World Journal 反Prop16 草根團體佛利蒙車隊大遊行
7/ 11 Epoch Times 紐約州議員再提案 要求特高招生標準交市府決定 (NYC Email Campaign/Phone Campaign)
7/ 11 New York Post Brooklyn College unveils ‘anti-racist agenda’ for professors
7/ 11 Orange County Register Proposition 16 will bring discrimination in the name of equality: Michelle Steel
7/ 10 Persuasion Is it Racist for a White Man to Bounce a Brown Baby on His Lap?
7/ 10 World Journal 南加5華人團體 聯手反ACA-5
7/ 10 World Journal 反ACA-5 華人7月11日佛利蒙示威
7/ 9 Chalkbeat New bill to repeal specialized high schools admissions (Mosley, Liu, Barron, Simon, Blake, Epstein, Wright)
7/ 9 New York Daily News New effort to repeal specialized high school law (Walter Mosley, John Liu, Julia Salazar)
7/ 9 New York Post When ‘diversity training’ is all about feeding racism
7/ 9 World Journal 南加州華人團體反對ACA-5修憲案(加州16號公投案)
7/ 8 Silicon Valley Voice Car Parade Against Proposition 16 Winds Through Sunnyvale
7/ 7 American Thinker There's a civil war happening between minorities and woke whites
7/ 6 Daily Californian ‘Diversity for diversity’s sake’: Prop. 16 draws criticism
7/ 6 Post Millennial Council accuses white member of 'racist behaviour' for holding black baby on lap
7/ 6 Wall Street Journal Kipp Wokes Up: The charter network abandons its motto ‘Work hard. Be nice.’
7/ 6 World Journal 丁右立、邱信福 分別收上萬封反對ACA-5郵件
7/ 4 World Journal 反ACA5 華人草根團體上街汽車遊行
7/ 3 American Conservative Diversity Is Not Our Strength: An Example
7/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約華裔家長:「文革風燒到美國來了」
7/ 3 Epoch Times 反駁左翼 同源會公開支持拉貝拉
7/ 3 Town Hall Because Racism: Charter School to Remove 'Work Hard. Be Nice.' as Its Official Slogan
7/ 2 Benjamin Boyce Surviving a Struggle Session | with Tom Wrocklage (The Case of the Racist Dad Joke)
7/ 2 Joe Rogan Episode #1501 Excerpt: Equity, Systemic Racism, Anti-Racism, and Madness
7/ 2 Queens Chronicle Pols write to DOE on screening policies: make admissions changes temporary
7/ 2 World Journal 抗議ACA-5法案 華人組織車隊周五大遊行
7/ 1 China Press 同源会发声明支持拉贝尔
6/30 New York Post Officials tell Carranza that parents want schools with competitive admissions
(John Liu, Leroy Comrie, Andrew Hevesi, David Weprin, Adrienne Adams, Karen Koslowitz, Grace Meng, Sharon Lee)
6/29 Epoch Times 李少敏:ACA-5滋生種族偏見 所有人都將受害
6/29 New York Post Lauder backed group ramps up fight to keep NYC elite school test
6/28 World Journal 華裔民眾州府示威 反對ACA-5
6/27 New York Post Thomas Sowell: Charter schools are the best way to wipe out educational disparity
6/27 World Journal 平等公義協會促選票「如實描述」ACA-5法案
6/26 Epoch Times 加州參院ACA-5過關 選民11月將公投
6/26 World Journal ACA-5參議會過關 程序不正義
6/25 NTD TV 前加州共和黨主席:ACA-5修憲案將使民權倒退
6/25 Wall Street Journal A Vote for Discrimination
6/25 World Journal 紐約市居民聯盟網上辦第二屆SHSAT夏令營 28日截止報名
6/25 World Journal 反ACA-5聯盟 斥民主黨議員無恥
6/25 World Journal 華人草根群體反ACA5:加大系統亞裔少1萬個入學名額
6/25 World Journal ACA-5影響入加大 華人要發聲
6/25 World Journal 庫市議員趙良方反ACA-5:不該因種族決定上不上大學
6/25 World Journal 張琛談ACA-5:靠配額進大學對學生不一定好
6/25 World Journal ACA-5參議會通過 11月3日公投
6/24 Epoch Times 徐行:ACA-5難道不是以「膚色」享受「特權」?
6/24 Epoch Times ACA-5進階參議院全員表決
6/24 Epoch Times ACA-5通過加州參議院撥款委員會 民權團體譴責
6/23 Epoch Times 僅剩2天 華裔如何遏止 ACA-5?
6/22 China Press 居民联盟发声支持孟昭文金兑锡 (Grace Meng, Chaim Deutsch)
6/22 Epoch Times 亞裔組織籌款10萬美元 應對ACA-5選戰
6/22 New York Post The ‘anti-racist’ drive to turn schools into woke propaganda mills
6/22 Real Clear Investiagtions Why Asians Excel at Scholastic Tests (Money Has Little to Do With It)
6/22 World Journal 法案歧視傷亞裔!平等公義協會等組織 反對ACA-5
6/21 Epoch Times 亞裔組織反對ACA-5 教育界最早引入種族因素
6/21 World Journal ACA-5 是逆向種族歧視
6/21 World Journal 郭宗政反對ACA5:族裔分配資源、機會 就是歧視
6/21 World Journal 亞裔入學更難? ACA-5全解析
6/20 Epoch Times 參院初步過關 ACA-5影響不止教育
6/20 Epoch Times 加州ACA-5將送撥款委員會審議 阻其通過參議院須發聲
6/20 New York Post Officials tell Carranza that parents want schools with competitive admissions
(John Liu, Sharon Lee, Leroy Comrie, Andrew Hevesi, David Weprin, Adrienne Adams, Karen Koslowitz)
6/20 World Journal 華人看ACA-5:不當平權替罪羊
6/20 World Journal 杜絕權利遭侵占 華人別再政治冷感
6/19 Epoch Times 加州大學挺ACA-5 亞裔教職強烈反對
6/19 World Journal 11月眾議員改選 可用選票反制
6/19 World Journal 學者籲華人發聲 抵制假平等
6/19 World Journal ACA-5依族裔比例入學 是特權
6/18 New York Post University of California dropped SAT even after faculty said it helped minorities
6/18 NTD TV 大學錄取要看膚色 加大職員:亞裔受影響大
6/18 Wall Street Journal Charter Schools’ Enemies Block Black Success
6/18 World Journal 抵制ACA5 選民速策反十參議員
6/17 Wall Street Journal New York City Seeks to Extend Gifted Testing
6/17 World Journal 阻ACA-5法案 華人赴希爾辦公室陳情 盼動用「一票否決權」
6/16 China Press 今年紐約市學生為擠進資優班的競爭更加激烈,最終被錄取的人數也少於去年
6/16 Epoch Times 僅剩10天 華裔力阻ACA-5過參議院
6/16 Epoch Times 加州議員:ACA-5背離民主精神 亞裔要行動
6/16 RealClear Investigations 'It's Racist': How California Disregarded Its Own Liberal Faculty to Ditch the SAT
6/16 Sing Tao 牛毓琳及李榮恩網上辯論會 各自闡述競選政綱百人觀看 (Grace Lee, Yuh-Line Niou)
6/16 World Journal ACA5來勢洶洶 要擋就要快
6/16 World Journal ACA-5將使亞裔進加大受阻
6/16 World Journal 反ACA-5 加州眾議員朱感生:傷害公平性
6/15 World Journal 亞裔生受影響! 加州大學力挺ACA-5法案 UC理事會投票一致支持
6/14 World Journal 阻擋ACA-5修憲 要守住三防線
6/13 NTD TV ACA-5或公投 亞裔權益影響嚴重
6/13 World Journal ACA-5參議會審議 民眾促否決
6/13 World Journal 抵制ACA-5 爭取參議會14席反對
6/13 Epoch Times 市教育局公聽會結束 逾2/3人支持選拔招生
6/12 Epoch Times 眾院過關 加州ACA-5對華裔有何影響?
6/12 Epoch Times 全美抗議之際 加州重提平權法案
6/12 Epoch Times ACA-5通過加州眾議院 民權團體籲阻止
6/10 NTD TV ACA-5或公投 亞裔權益影響嚴重
6/ 9 San Diego Union-Tribune How Prop. 209 helped minority students succeed at California universities
6/ 9 Sing Tao 「恢復族裔優待」案 加州眾議院全體投票
6/ 7 New York Post NYC schools must have real plan for reopening in September: here’s the basics
6/ 6 NTD TV 加州ACA-5眾院撥款委員會二讀通
6/ 5 Epoch Times ACA-5議案下週一將在加州眾議院投票表決
6/ 5 NTD TV 亞裔學生質疑ACA-5議案引入種族因素
6/ 5 US News Express 要反對種族歧視,有很多正當方法爭取權益,而不是去街上使用暴力
6/ 6 Epoch Times 特殊高中考試輔導課免費申請
6/ 6 New York Post DOE keeps tight lid on ‘unflattering’ remote-learning survey results
6/ 4 Epoch Times 亞裔學生質疑ACA-5議案引入種族因素
6/ 4 PRI Attempt to overthrow Proposition 209 ignores K-12’s responsibility
6/ 4 Shorefront News Steven Patzer Secured $3 Million Donation in SHSAT Prep Materials (Video)
6/ 4 World Journal 教局擬暫停篩選入學惹議 華人家長籲參與意見調查發聲
6/ 3 Campus Reform Students at University of Washington want "accommodation" for black students during finals
6/ 3 FlashReport California’s Roll-Back of Racial Preferences Erodes True Equality
6/ 2 Bklyner The Engagement is “Off”
6/ 1 China Press 争取参选 前日落公园州参议员找华人拍短片 (Jesse Hamilton)
6/ 1 National Affairs Desegregation, Then and Now
6/ 1 New York School Talk An Inconvenient Truth: The NYC Schools Math Problem Nobody Talks About
6/ 1 Wall Street Journal Ward Connerly Rides Again (Video)
5/ 31 China Press 教育局:今年特殊高中入学试如期举行 (Video)
5/ 31 New York Post DOE leaders are hypocrites denying opportunity they chose for their kids
5/ 31 US News Express 美國時事通面對面:美國華人站起來,阻止加州修憲!(No ACA5!)
5/ 30 Epoch Times 「篩選錄取」史坦頓島公聽 市教局:下學年SHSAT無變化 (Video)
5/ 30 World Journal 教育局皇后區公聽 探討初高中錄取
5/ 30 World Journal 韓文頓重返政壇仍看重華人選票:共同維護少數族裔權益 (Jesse Hamilton)
5/ 29 Epoch Times 關於下學年篩選錄取 紐約市教局皇后區公聽
5/ 29 New York Post NYC’s DOE has given up on education during coronavirus lockdown
5/ 28 Epoch Times 李梅:加州ACA-5 議案要改變什麼?
5/ 28 New York Post DOE official in charge of admissions diveristy sent his child to screened school
5/ 27 Epoch Times 教育局推動廢除選拔招生制?
5/ 27 National Review A Punitive, Senseless Education-Funding Proposal, in the Name of ‘Equity’
5/ 27 New York Post Richard Carranza is obsessed with destroying good schools
5/ 27 New York Post ‘Unbiased’ Department of Education just got caught playing rank politics
5/ 26 Federalist Fomenting Identity Politics Matters More To Democrats Than Asian Americans
5/ 26 San Francisco Chronicle Keep Prop. 209: Don’t let racial discrimination return to California
5/ 26 Minding the Campus University of California Dumps SAT for Diversity
5/ 26 New York Post NYC DOE wants groups opposed to competitive school admissions to get louder
5/ 26 San Francisco Chronicle Keep Prop. 209: Don’t let racial discrimination return to California
5/ 26 World Journal 8大道前州參議員 韓文頓謀重返政壇 (Jesse Hamilton)
5/ 25 Epoch Times 紐約市亞裔團體反對取消篩選入學
5/ 25 Wall Street Journal Is the SAT Really the Problem?
5/ 24 China Press 华裔代表坚持保留初高中升学筛选政策不变
5/ 24 National Review California Democrats Want to Bring Racial Preferences Back
5/ 24 New York Post Chinese-American group rips Carranza over anti-Asian bias training
5/ 24 Sing Tao 華人組織反對二級評分 要求以疫情前成績決定錄取
5/ 24 World Journal 4亞裔組織 反對取消篩選入學 建議學校重開後補辦州考
5/ 24 World Journal 布碌崙校長:學生肯學就評合格 華人家長:誤人子弟
5/ 24 World Journal 灣區14團體聯合聲明反對ACA 5
5/ 23 Epoch Times 加州ACA 5再掀反平權抗爭 多團體聲明強烈反對
5/ 23 Forbes Dropping The SAT And ACT Is About Politics, Not Diversity
5/ 23 New York Post Brooklyn principal caught on tape: Pass students who don’t learn but ‘try’
5/ 23 Sing Tao ACA5恢復平權措施 多個組織聯合反對
5/ 23 World Journal ACA5若過關 華生更難進加大
5/ 23 World Journal ACA5更極端 華人應促民代反對
5/ 22 NTD TV 加州民主黨疫情間再推平權法過關受質疑
5/ 22 Wall Street Journal California’s College Testing Mistake: putting racial politics above merit
5/ 22 WBFO One of Buffalo's highest-performing public schools faces closure
5/ 21 Epoch Times 加州民主黨疫情間再推平權法過關受質疑
5/ 21 Federalist Californa Democrats Try To Legalize Racial Discrimination During Pandemic
5/ 21 Wall Street Journal University of California Will Stop Using SAT, ACT
5/ 21 World Journal 影響華裔子弟就學與就業 南加社區反對「ACA 5」提案
5/ 20 Boston Globe The success of Prop 209 (but some lawmakers want to tear it down)
5/ 19 Wall Street Journal In California, the Dream of Racial Preferences Never Dies
5/ 18 College Fix California lawmakers rush to impose race preferences during COVID lockdown
5/ 18 New York School Talk Never Waste a Good Crisis: How NYC Families Can Take Advantage, Too (Part #2)
5/ 18 The 74 Million Amid a Pandemic and Canceled State Tests, Parents Worry
5/ 17 AM New York Queens council parents blast new DOE grade policy, claim agency ignored them
5/ 17 China Press 24学区和同源会等远程会议炮轰教育局评分政策 (Robert Holden)
5/ 17 New York Post Why Success Academy is making remote learning work as regular schools flail
5/ 17 Wall Street Journal California Defines Testing Down
5/ 16 Epoch Times 紐約市教育局新評分規則 第24學區教育委批評 (Robert Holden)
5/ 16 Harvard Crimson Harvard Files Reply Brief in Admissions Case Appeal
5/ 16 Tribeca Trib Opinion: Make Middle School Grades Count
5/ 15 QNS Parents on Queens education council blast new DOE grade policy, claim agency ignored them
5/ 14 City Journal Getting Distance Learning Right: Once again, Success Academy leads the way
5/ 14 New York Post Carranza is NYC’s most overpaid nonessential worker (CACAGNY Statement of Support)
5/ 14 Queens Chronicle Will changes to grading system during crisis lead to something permanent?
5/ 14 Wall Street Journal Coronavirus Forces New York City to Rethink Admissions to Elite Schools
5/ 13 China Press 纪思庭:支持SHSAT不会因疫情改变 (Justin Brannan)
5/ 13 Sing Tao 紐約市教育里民大會 新評分標準引關注
5/ 13 World Journal 反特殊高中教改 華人家長:一次性變動也不能接受
5/ 13 World Journal 支持公校新打分制度 紀思庭:只是暫時調整 (Justin Brannan)
5/ 12 American Thinker California Revives Affirmative Action
5/ 12 CACAGNY Urges State Oversight of NYC Department of Education
5/ 12 National Review Is California Backsliding on Racial Preferences?
5/ 11 CBS New York 7th Grader Starts Petition To Get Carranza To Restore Pre-Lockdown Grading Policy
5/ 11 CBS New York Coronavirus And Grades: Students Worried New School System Hurts Their Futures
5/ 11 LA Times Napolitano: SAT should be suspended for UC admissions; "bias" cited
5/ 11 New York School Talk Never Waste a Good Crisis: How NYC Families Can Take Advantage, Too (Part 1)
5/ 10 The 74 Million New York Families Debate Fleeing the City Over COVID-19 School Changes
5/ 9 New York Post Possible tweaks to NYC school admissions include lottery system, prior test scores
5/ 9 Sing Tao 卡蘭薩澄清未有計劃 利用新冠病毒推改革
5/ 7 China Press 纽约市92%家长担忧招生标准因疫情而大变化
5/ 7 New York Post De Blasio dodges questions on using coronavirus crisis to overhaul schools
5/ 6 New York Post Richard Carranza’s message to NYC kids: Working hard is for suckers
5/ 6 New York Post 92 percent of NYC parents ‘extremely concerned’ about DOE admission changes
5/ 6 New York Post Online teaching is vital — but Carranza, United Federation of Teachers don’t care
5/ 6 Sing Tao 趁疫情推教育改革 逾九成家長憂不公
5/ 5 Cal Matters A hasty hearing on a constitutional amendment that would overturn Prop. 209
5/ 5 Medium What is Gifted and Talented? The Dirty Little Secret of G&T Schools
5/ 5 New York Post Carranza’s sick plans to use coronavirus crisis to destroy NYC’s best schools
5/ 5 New York Post Carranza pounces on “opportunity” of deadly coronavirus: ‘Never waste a good crisis’
5/ 5 PLACE Parents "Extremely Concerned" about Unfair Changes to Screened School Admissions
5/ 4 New York School Talk No Tests, No Grades, No Problem: What NYC Can Still Do
5/ 4 World Journal 紐約市重點中學錄取制度趁疫取消?家長憂心
5/ 3 New York Post New York’s charter schools are sending hundreds of kids to college
5/ 2 Epoch Times 「成功學院」特許高中畢業生全端進大學
5/ 2 New York Post DOE could end screening for top NYC schools after coronavirus pandemic
5/ 2 Sing Tao 紐約市教育局或趁新冠疫情 終結重點中學選拔招生
5/ 2 Sing Tao 不願努力白費 七年級學生呼籲高中擇優錄取
5/ 1 Chalkbeat Controversial specialized high schools program continues to enroll few black, Hispanic students
5/ 1 China Press 成功学院:12年级学生成绩被大学认可接受
5/ 1 New York Post Teach the kids: Coronavirus is no excuse for giving up on NYC students
5/ 1 New York Post Entire Success Academy senior class accepted to college
4/29 World Journal 公校新打分方法出 華人家長、教育維權團體意見不一
4/28 Kings County Politics Chinese-American Advocates Blast Lack of City Gifted & Talented Programs
4/28 Politico City grading policy for remote learning gets mixed reviews
4/28 PoliticsNY Chinese-American Advocates Blast Lack of City Gifted & Talented Programs
4/28 Queens County Politics Chinese-American Advocates Blast Lack of City Gifted & Talented Programs
4/28 Sing Tao 市府公布遠程教學成績標準 幼兒園到初中不計分數
4/28 Sinovision “太荒唐了” 华裔家长批纽约公校因疫情评分“一刀切”
4/28 Wall Street Journal New York City Schools to Use Looser Grading System for Students
4/27 CACAGNY Endorses "Do No Harm" Grading; Condemns Attacks on Standards (Statement 4/29/20)
4/27 Chalkbeat Success Academy charter schools will continue grading students during coronavirus pandemic
4/27 China Press 成功特许学院将维持学生评分系统
4/27 New York Post Doing right by kids — by giving them the grades they’ve earned
4/27 New York Post Success Academy to maintain grading system amid coronavirus disruption
4/27 Sing Tao 教育局遠程教學成績計法 同源會反對怒斥崔馬克
4/26 World Journal 民代新提案:公校8年級生 全參加SHSAT 免費輔導 (J. Williams, R. Cornegy, B. Kallos, J. Brannon)
4/25 CACAGNY Issues Statement Upon DOE Announcment of Gifted & Talented Exam Results
4/24 Epoch Times 紐約市資優班放榜 近8千學生達分數線
4/23 Chalkbeat Aiming for greater "diversity" in gifted programs, Anderson School tweaks admissions
4/20 Seattle Times Seattle will give high-school students A’s or incompletes
4/21 New York Post NYC parents and activists dueling over school grades amid coronavirus crisis
4/15 New York Daily News How the coronavirus is exacerbating the education opportunity gap
4/11 New York Post NYC launches ‘Operation Graduation’ to pass as many kids as possible amid coronavirus
4/ 8 Sing Tao 亞裔新冠死亡比例低說明什麼?
4/ 7 World Journal 華人亞裔學生公平入學案 可能被取銷
4/ 4 World Journal 劉醇逸:保住基本教育預算 SHSAT不變 (John Liu)
3/31 AP Idaho governor signs affirmative action ban into law
3/31 College Fix Black and Asian groups helped lay groundwork for Idaho’s ban on race preferences
3/30 New York School Talk NY State Cancels ELA & Math Exams for 2020 – What Might Happen Next
3/30 Orange County Register California doesn’t need a new fight over Proposition 209
3/30 Wall Street Journal Harvard’s China Virus
3/26 New York Post Backers of elite school admissions testing laud minority tutoring program results
3/25 China Press 纽约同源会选举 黄友兴当选新会长
3/23 World Journal ACA5修憲 損亞裔權益
3/20 Epoch Times 特殊高中錄取放榜 亞裔表現比去年更出色
3/20 PLACE NYC NYC DOE Fails to Improve Specialized High School
3/20 World Journal 紐約市特殊高中放榜 亞裔仍過半 史岱文森錄取10非裔
3/19 Chalkbeat Efforts to integrate NYC’s specialized high schools flounder
3/19 China Press 特殊高中录取放榜 亚裔学生再次占主导地位
3/19 New York Daily News Lawmakers push to expand high school exam to combat low black, Latino enrollment
3/19 Sing Tao 特殊高中收生 亞裔佔比超去年
3/18 Chalkbeat As families fight over access to NYC’s specialized high schools, some seats go unfilled
3/18 New York School Talk A Teacher’s Take On Schools That Fail Students
3/17 Epoch Times 纽约州两众议员确诊 与其接触者均接受检测 (Charles Barron)
3/15 Sing Tao 市議員參選者帕茲納拜訪布碌崙華社 支持華裔商家並抵制歧視及仇恨犯罪 (Steven Patzer)
3/13 World Journal 皇后區長候選人奎因:支持SHSAT 建更多特殊高中 (Jim Quinn)
3/13 World Journal 金兌錫頒獎法拉盛圖書館館長曾陽等8女性 (Ron Kim)
3/13 World Journal 皇后區長候選人理查茲訪法拉盛 愛吃中餐、重視移民服務 (Donovan Richards)
3/12 US News Idaho Senate Approves Affirmative Action Ban
3/11 China Press 皇后区长参选人奎因曼岛集会力挺SHSAT (Jim Quinn)
3/10 World Journal 挑戰李羅莎 趙靖桉參選25選區州眾議員 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/ 7 ctpost The Connecticut Post: State must end race-based school quotas
3/ 9 New Yorker Prep for Prep and the Fault Lines in New York’s Schools
3/ 6 New York Post A mayoral run by Andrew Yang would be great for NYC (Not so fast!)
3/ 5 Queens Chronicle Carranza says ‘no plan to integrate’, wants to 'help diversify' schools
3/ 5 Sing Tao 亞裔家長不滿長期受忽視 矛頭直指卡蘭薩鴻溝加深
3/ 3 China Press 第24学委会办里民会卡兰纳再轰特殊高中考试
3/ 3 New York Times ‘Fire Carranza!’: Why Asian-Americans Are Targeting Schools Chief (John Liu)
3/ 3 Sinovision 纽约市教育局长再轰SHSAT “没有研究表明它是对的”
3/ 3 World Journal 卡蘭扎堅持一試錄取不合理 華人家長批歧視 促市長解雇 (Video)
3/ 2 New York Post Another grand failure from Chancellor Richard Carranza
2/29 New York Post Insiders say Carranza’s secret ‘Academic Response Team’ squandered millions
2/29 New York Post 卡蘭薩改進學校計劃 被轟浪費數百萬公帑
2/27 Harvard Crimson Justice Department Asks Court to Overturn Harvard Admissions Decision
2/27 New York Post Success Academy parents rip DOE officials over Queens space controversy
2/27 Rockaway Times Queens Borough President Forum Gets Heated (Elizabeth Crowley, Donovan Richards, Anthony Miranda)
2/27 World Journal 華裔家長曼哈頓華埠怒吼 籲解雇卡蘭扎 ( Video )
2/26 China Press 寇顿再办会议讨论保卫SHSAT (William Colton, Peter Abbate)
2/26 Queens Ledger Mayor fields questions, insults at Queens town hall
2/26 Sing Tao 卡蘭扎缺席教育局華埠社區會議 數十華裔家長撲空 怒斥其「懦夫」
2/26 Sing Tao 教育總監竟然缺席 華人踴躍發言批評
2/26 World Journal 反廢SHSAT、資優班 寇頓籲家長再抗爭 (William Colton, Peter Abbate)
2/25 CACAGNY CACAGNY Joins Amicus Brief Against Anti-Asian Discrimination in Harvard Lawsuit
2/25 Fox Business The fight over gifted student programs
2/24 China Press 郭纳德举办造势大会宣布启动竞选连任 (Andrew Gounardes)
2/24 New York School Talk The DOE That Cried Wolf: Why Parents & Students Have Trouble Trusting It
2/24 Shorefront News Colton Holds Emergency Conference Re: Elite HS Admissions Test (William Colton)
2/24 World Journal 郭納德宣布競選連任 繼續力保SHSAT (Andrew Gounardes)
2/23 New York Daily News A way forward for top-tier high schools in Queens
2/23 New York Post Still-rising public fury will cripple de Blasio unless he changes course
2/22 China Press 森林小丘开里民会 民众炮轰多项议题
2/22 New York Post Richard Carranza’s new Tweed Courthouse office is fit for a king
2/22 New York Post Save our city: Stop overcrowding schools and classrooms
2/22 New York Post 60 kids at JHS 189 Daniel Carter School in Queens have talked suicide (Ron Kim, Peter Koo)
2/22 New York Post AOC says she got goddaughter into Bronx charter school
2/22 New York Post Public schools are teaching our children to hate America
2/22 Sinovision “不让华人进场!” 纽约市教育局长为何与华人积怨?
2/21 Epoch Times 森林小丘里民會 市長為市教育總監辯護
2/21 Forest Hills Post Mayor de Blasio Criticized and Booed at Forest Hills Town Hall
2/20 ABC 14 News De Blasio Booed, Heckled At Contentious Queens Town Hall
2/20 Epoch Times 第28学区“多元化计划”方案 再推迟到12月出炉
2/20 New York Post De Blasio booed, heckled at contentious Queens town hall
2/20 NY1 Queens Residents Press Mayor Hard on Homelessness, Schools
2/20 Queens Chronicle Mayor defends his positions at crowded town hall
2/20 Sinovision “纽约将变犯罪之城!” 市长因治安、监狱问题再遭怼
2/20 World Journal 森林小丘里民會 白思豪堅持建社區監獄、廢SHSAT
2/19 China Press 父母择校看重教学质量 而非学校种族结构
2/19 Harvard Crimson Students for Fair Admissions Files Appeal Brief in Harvard Admissions Case
2/19 New York Daily News De Blasio’s education blind spot: Parental choice
2/19 Sing Tao 皇后區學校多元化計劃 教局推遲半年化解爭議
2/19 The Hill Ending racial quotas in Hartford's magnet schools is a big step for equality
2/18 New York School Talk Are Dual Language Programs Next On the Chopping Block?
2/18 Washington Post Racial preferences opponents urge appeals court to overturn Harvard admissions ruling
2/17 CBS New York Tai Abrams Creates ‘AdmissionSquad’ To Get Minority Students Into Elite High Schools
2/16 New York Post Yet another sign Team de Blasio can’t be bothered to keep schools safe
2/15 Epoch Times 纽约史岱文森高中 上全美三大名校的人数最多
2/15 New York Post Teachers say Brooklyn principal handed out exam questions in advance (Robert Holden)
2/15 New York Post Richard Carranza builds himself big new office in DOE headquarters
2/15 Sing Tao 受到威脅擔心安全 卡蘭薩建新辦公室
2/15 World Journal 亞裔家長示威如影隨形 教育局會議移出華埠
2/14 China Press 教育局社区会议不变 仍在华埠举行
2/14 China Press 教师多元化法案州参议会过关 (John Liu)
2/14 Epoch Times 市教局要求第二学区里民会 从华埠改至雀儿喜召开
2/14 Epoch Times 艾姆赫斯特第24學區 3/2辦里民會議
2/14 World Journal 州參議會通過法案 改善教育確保多樣性 (Velmanette Montgomery, Jamaal Bailey, John Liu)
2/13 China Press 教育局拟将华埠社区会议移至切尔西
2/13 New York Post DOE pulls bid to relocate Chinatown parent meeting with Carranza after Post story
2/13 New York Post DOE wants to move Carranza town hall meeting from Chinatown to Chelsea
2/13 Queens Chronicle Parents’ protest gets city to budge
2/13 Queens Chronicle 1,000 expected for Carranza town hall
2/12 China Press 对待亚裔纽约客不公 刘醇逸炮轰卡兰纳 / 紐約同源會聲明 / Video (John Liu)
2/12 New York School Talk NYC Public School Mom Explains What Drove Her Out Of the System
2/12 The 74 Million Diversity Plans: NYC Admits There’s Not Enough ‘Good’ Education to Go Around
2/12 World Journal 卡蘭扎赴州議會 再提廢SHSAT 劉醇逸面斥忽視亞裔 / 紐約同源會聲明 / Video (John Liu)
2/11 New York Post Sen Liu clashes with Carranza over treatment of Asians / CACAGNY Statement / Video (John Liu)
2/11 New York Post After 5 years of probing, sure looks like fix is in on Orthodox yeshivas
2/11 Sing Tao 劉醇逸狂轟教育總監卡蘭薩 斥無心修補與亞裔社區裂痕 / 紐約同源會聲明 / Video (John Liu)
2/11 Wall Street Journal Liberal Faculty Endorse Testing
2/10 Columbia Spectator Columbia wants more Harlem students, but ...
2/10 New York Post Save our city: The top threat to New York’s schools comes from within
2/ 8 Epoch Times 反对声下 第28学区“多元化计划”推进延缓
2/ 8 Epoch Times “市情咨文”无提及特殊高中改革
2/ 8 New York Post Principal to hand out Valentine’s Day lollipops at violence-plagued middle school
2/ 8 World Journal 華裔家長抗議卡蘭扎遭拒 教局:未禁止入場
2/ 8 World Journal 28學區多元化計畫延後 家長:獲階段性勝利
2/ 8 World Journal 民代籲:保留SHSAT 資優班考試延到三年級 (Stavisky, Comrie, Kim, Rozic, Hyndman)
2/ 7 Chalkbeat After parent opposition, Queens integration plans are delayed
2/ 7 Chief School Bully Indulged At Her Victim's Expense
2/ 7 China Press 参加学区会遭歧视性拦阻 维权团体发动示威 (William Colton)
2/ 7 China Press 教育局未完全施用反霸凌系统 投诉无人处理 (John Liu, Scott Stringer)
2/ 7 Epoch Times 市议员霍顿要求调查阻拦华裔家长进入学区会一事 (Robert Holden)
2/ 7 New York Post Court Papers: DOE still hasn’t fully implemented anti-bullying system (John Liu, Scott Stringer)
2/ 7 New York Times How an Education Visionary Got Canceled
2/ 7 Sing Tao 劉醇逸等重申支持公校多元化 堅決保留特殊高中考試 (John Liu, Jamaal Bailey)
2/ 7 Wall Street Journal Backlash From Parents Delays Effort to Integrate Queens Schools
2/ 7 World Journal 帶標語禁入卡蘭札社區會議 維權團體:歧視華裔 / Video (William Colton)
2/ 6 Politico De Blasio mum on specialized school reform
2/ 6 Queens Chronicle Beating at Marie Curie shows crisis in schools
2/ 5 China Press 家长抗议卡兰纳引冲突
2/ 5 New York Post Asian protesters temporarily barred from Carranza town hall
2/ 4 City Journal Preferences by Any Other Name
2/ 4 Sing Tao 攜反對卡蘭扎標語遭拒入場 華裔家長與外族裔家長爭論
2/ 4 Wall Street Journal New York City Teachers Pulled From Class to Grade State Tests
2/ 3 AJC Much-awaited California report advises: Keep the ACT, SAT admissions requirement
2/ 3 CBS Sacramento University Of California Report Says UC Should Keep SATs
2/ 3 New York Post This principal does very well as she pushes ‘social justice’
2/ 3 NY1 Where Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza Goes, These Protesters Follow
2/ 3 Rampa News Councilman Holden on census, elections, crime, homelessness, transportation, education (Holden)
2/ 3 Shorefront News Colton: Fight For Gifted School Is “Far From Over”; Organizes Next Meeting (William Colton)
2/ 3 Wall Street Journal University of California Task Force Recommends Keeping SAT in Admissions for Now
2/ 2 New York Post Queens is seeing through Richard Carranza’s bull
2/ 2 New York School Talk If This Is a Victory For Integration Then, Yup, I’m a Racist
2/ 2 Wall Street Journal Is It Fair to Award Scholarships Based on the SAT?
2/ 1 China Press 寇顿吁家长继续抗争 保卫SHSAT和资优班 (William Colton)
2/ 1 New York Post ‘Hypocritical’ Beacon principal squeezes rich parents while students rally against ‘privilege’
2/ 1 World Journal 特殊高中保衛戰未成功 寇頓呼籲勿鬆懈 (William Colton)
1/ 31 AM New York Carranza apologizes to parents of sexually abused Marie Curie Middle School student
1/ 31 Epoch Times 卡兰萨向第26学区家长道歉 承诺安排见面
1/ 30 China Press 卡兰纳向26学区两家长道歉 家长:太迟了不接受 (John Liu, Corey Johnson, Grace Meng)
1/ 30 Epoch Times 卡兰萨称抱怨家长是“安排好的” 遭孟昭文张晟反击 (Grace Meng, Corey Johnson, Jimmy Van Bremer)
1/ 30 Epoch Times 又一学生被殴没人管 父亲被迫转学
1/ 30 Gothamist Schools Chancellor Apologizes To Parents Of Alleged Assault Victims
1/ 30 New York Post DOE sitting down with Queens politicians to mend Carranza rift (Meng, Grodenchik, Koo, Rozic, Liu)
1/ 30 New York Post Richard Carranza finally apologizes to Queens parents after walkout (Liu, Meng, Johnson)
1/ 30 Queens Chronicle Carranza remains silent after fiasco
1/ 30 Queens Chronicle Teacher removed from Maspeth HS (Robert Holden)
1/ 30 Reason N.Y. Schools Chief Richard Carranza Can't Quit Calling Parents 'Racist' (Grace Meng, John Liu)
1/ 30 Wall Street Journal NYC Schools Chancellor Apologizes After Heated Exchanges (Grace Meng, John Liu)
1/ 29 CBS New York Former NYC School Chancellors On Carranza Playing Race Card: ‘Put On Your Big Boy Pants’
1/ 29 China Press 卡兰纳称26学区家长是一群种族主义者 (John Liu)
1/ 29 CIty & State Richard Carranza’s rough new year (Robert Holden)
1/ 29 Epoch Times 联邦准备调查纽约公校考试作弊问题 (Robert Holden)
1/ 29 Jewish Voice FBI Probes Academic Fraud in NYC Schools; Carranza Under Fire for Failures
1/ 29 New York Post Carranza spars with Rep. Grace Meng on Twitter: ‘No more politics’ (Meng. Johnson, Lander)
1/ 29 New York Post What will it take for de Blasio to fire radioactive Richard Carranza?
1/ 29 New York Post Queens dad pulls daughter from school after videoed playground attack
1/ 29 PLF Victory for Hartford families fighting schools’ racial discrimination
1/ 29 Sing Tao 教育政策例會前抗議 家長提出5點訴求
1/ 29 Sing Tao 抨擊卡蘭扎罔顧家長聲音 多民選官員舌戰教育總監 (Grace Meng, Corey Johnson, John Liu)
1/ 29 World Journal 卡蘭扎回應教理會離席風波 稱遭設局 (John Liu)
1/ 28 China Press 联邦调查局启动侦办纽市公校学术欺诈问题 (Robert Holden)
1/ 28 Epoch Times 卡兰萨2/4到布碌崙第22学区办里民会Stavisky, Comrie, Kim, Rozic, Hyndman
1/ 28 New York Daily News NYC schools chancellor slams critics over abrupt ending to town hall, calling it a ‘set up’
1/ 28 New York Post Richard Carranza blames everybody but himself after ditching Queens meeting
1/ 28 NY1 Schools Chancellor Defends Walking Out of School Meeting in Queens Amid Jeers
1/ 28 NYC Rubber Room Reporter NYC ALERT: Do Not Criticize Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza
1/ 28 Wall Street Journal New York City Spends $200 Million a Year to Aid High-Poverty Schools, With Mixed Results
1/ 28 WPIX City officials respond to allegations of grade fraud, teacher intimidation at schools (Robert Holden)
1/ 27 AM New York Queens lawmaker wants to limit school suspensions (Jessica Ramos)
1/ 27 New York Post Yes, NYC’s public schools need a federal racketeering probe (Robert Holden)
1/ 27 New York Post Far-left agitprop for pre-K tots: what NYC schools have come to
1/ 27 QNS This week on the QNS Podcast: Carranza abruptly ends an education town hall
1/ 27 Reason Seattle School System Wants to Dismantle Gifted Programs: Why School Choice Matters
1/ 27 Sing Tao 里民會聚焦教育根本問題 牛毓琳籲勿用特殊高中障眼 (Yuh-Line Niou)
1/ 27 WPIX City official investigating allegations of grade-fraud against NYC Department of Education
1/ 26 BaysideLiveTV And intimate discussion with Scott and Rob, parents of 158 students
1/ 26 Chaz's School Daze Maspeth High School In The News Again
1/ 26 City Journal Equity Warriors
1/ 26 New York Post Flipping off rightly-angry parents should be the last straw for Richard Carranza
1/ 25 Epoch Times 皇后区学校混乱秩序 市长议长批评教育局
1/ 25 New York Post FBI probes allegations of ‘deep-rooted’ academic fraud in NYC schools (Robert Holden, Mark Treyger)
1/ 25 New York Post Maspeth High School dean who allegedly helped kids cheat is removed (Robert Holden)
1/ 24 AM New York Manhattan school board calls on Brooklyn board member to resign over slur (Chaim Deutsch)
1/ 24 New York Post De Blasio calls disciplinary situation at embattled Queens middle school ‘troubling’
1/ 23 Epoch Times 纽约3位华生入围“雷杰纳隆科学奖”决赛
1/ 23 NY1 Parents Look for Answers on School Safety Following Carranza’s Walkout on Meeting (John Liu)
1/ 23 New York Post Corey Johnson rips DOE over discipline woes at Queens school (Corey Johnson)
1/ 23 Queens Chronicle The resignation letter schools chief Carranza should write (Grace Meng)
1/ 23 Queens Chronicle Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza (Meng, Vallone, Grodenchik, Koo, Liu, Rozic, Braunstein)
1/ 23 World Journal 市議員利華娜 將推動電單車合法化 並支持擴大資優班 (Carlina Rivera)
1/ 22 China Press “小诺贝尔奖”决赛名单揭晓 华裔脱颖而出
1/ 22 China Press 角逐州众议员 韩裔李荣恩筹款超越牛毓琳 (Grace Lee, Yuh-Line Niou)
1/ 22 Epoch Times 皇后区区长参选人论坛 教育和保释金改革成焦点 (Miao, Yin, Quinn)
1/ 22 New York Post Would-be mayors need to start calling out Chancellor Richard Carranza
1/ 22 New York Post Parents demand answers from principal of embattled Queens MS 158
1/ 22 New York Post Why ‘taxing’ successful PTAs is a rotten idea
1/ 22 Sing Tao 再生元科學獎決賽名單 華裔學生佔逾四分之一
1/ 22 Sinovision SHSAT、可负担住房、亚马逊... 他们的政见你认可吗? (Crowley, Maio, Quinn, Yin; Constantinides, Richards)
1/ 22 World Journal 皇后區長競選論壇 2華裔候選人支持保留SHSAT (Miao, Yin, Crowley, Quinn)
1/ 21 China Press 里民会不欢而散 26学区各方互怨 (Grace Meng, John Liu)
1/ 21 Epoch Times 教育總監里民會中途離場 第26學區發聲明表達失望
1/ 21 QNS Queens officials demand Carranza schedule school safety meeting for parents (Grace Meng, John Liu,. et al.)
1/ 21 Sinovision “我是教育局长我有理!”华人家长彻底怒了...“下台”
1/ 21 World Journal 卡蘭扎因安全疑慮倉促結束里民大會 忽略學生安全挨轟 (Grace Meng)
1/ 21 World Journal 瑪麗奧挑戰羅斯進軍國會 盼華裔支持 (Nicole Malliotaks)
1/ 20 New York Post Teachers at troubled Queens school no fans of embattled principal
1/ 20 New York Post The con job behind rising high-school-graduation rates
1/ 20 Queens Chronicle Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza
1/ 19 Ridgewood Post DeBlasio Touts Record Graduation Rates, Bob Holden Not Impressed (Bob Holden)
1/ 18 New York Post Carranza slams ‘grandstanding’ at meeting, further infuriating Queens parents
1/ 18 Sing Tao 皇后區中學生毆鬥 老師竟袖手旁觀
1/ 17 1010 WINS Angry parents jeer NYC schools chancellor off stage at Queens schools safety meeting
1/ 17 AM New York Queens parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes
1/ 17 BaysideLiveTV Community Education Council District 26 Town Hall Shut Down
1/ 17 CBS New York Queens School Parents Demand Answers About Reports Of Violent Brawl, Sexual Harassment
1/ 17 CBS New York Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting (Grace Meng)
1/ 17 China Press 26学区里民会 家长要卡兰纳下台
1/ 17 China Press 女儿遭骚扰校方无视 议员吁彻查
1/ 17 MSN Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting
1/ 17 New York Post Richard Carranza needs to listen to parents and restore order in NYC schools
1/ 17 New York Post Queens mom slams DOE head Richard Carranza for bolting out of town hall
1/ 17 New York Post New video shows extent of Queens middle school beatdown
1/ 17 New York Post Outraged parents jeer Richard Carranza off the stage at Queens town hall meeting
1/ 17 NY1 Angry Parents Blast Chancellor Over Alleged Assaults at Bayside Middle School
1/ 17 Patch Schools Chancellor Heckled Off The Stage At NE Queens Town Hall
1/ 17 QNS Bayside parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes
1/ 17 World Journal 26學區里民會火藥味濃 教育總監遭家長狂噓
1/ 16 Epoch times 纽约市十佳高中榜单公布 史岱文森第一
1/ 16 Fox News 5 Protesters call for NYC Schools Chancellor to be fired
1/ 16 New York Daily News School town hall ended when sex assault victim’s father clashes with chancellor
1/ 16 QNS Queens officials demand answers about sexual harassment and assault at M.S. 158 in Bayside
1/ 16 Rampa News De Blasio shows off high graduation rates. But is it really? (Biaggi, Sepulveda, DenDekker, Taylor, Holden)
1/ 16 Seattle Times Bill in state Legislature would intervene in Seattle’s plan to change gifted education
1/ 16 Sing Tao 26學區舉行教育里民會 華人家長痛斥教育總監
1/ 16 Sinovision “休想掩盖失败的公立教育系统” 纽约家长集会抗议
1/ 16 Wall Street Journal New York City High-School Graduation Rates "Improve" Slightly
1/ 15 China Press 斩获雷杰纳荣奖 华裔约占三成
1/ 15 New York Post Officials at troubled Queens school didn’t punish student for sex assault
1/ 15 Sing Tao 公益維護官撰文 籲天才班教育普及化 應該降低門檻 (Jumaane Williams)
1/ 15 World Journal 主計長斯靜格訪世報 擬競選市長 打造多元化、公平的教育環境 (Scott Stringer)
1/ 14 Epoch Times 贝赛158初中女生打架 老师不敢管
1/ 14 Epoch Times 少年抢劫嫌疑犯导致中央公园犯罪率上升1/3
1/ 14 New York Post New York spends twice as much as Florida - particularly on education
1/ 14 QNS NYC schools chancellor holds first education town hall meeting in Far Rockaway
1/ 14 Sing Tao 中央公園罪案增 搶劫創近年新高
1/ 14 World Journal 布碌崙第9小學取消資優班 今秋起步
1/ 14 World Journal 州教育理事會深入社區 討論高中會考存廢
1/ 13 AM New York Williams demand NYC reform high school screenings (Jumaane Williams, Brad Lander)
1/ 13 Chalkbeat A push to integrate Queens schools has ripped open a fight
1/ 13 Chief CSA Tells Carranza Of Members' Fears On School Discipline
1/ 13 New York Post Video shows vicious lunchroom beating at troubled Queens middle school
1/ 13 New York Post Suspected teen robbers contribute to 33% rise in Central Park crime
1/ 13 New York Post NYC schoolkid parents busted for stabbing other parents over bullying
1/ 13 QNS ‘We will never go quietly into the night’: Queens voices unity against hate at rally
1/ 13 World Journal 皇后區長選舉 紐市居民聯盟背書奎因 (James Quinn)
1/ 13 World Journal 挑戰李羅莎 趙靖桉參選紐約州眾議員 (Kenneth Chiu, Nily Rozic)
1/ 13 World Journal 抗議反猶仇恨犯罪 紐約皇后區華人力挺
1/ 12 New York School Talk NYC School Application Law: Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong
1/ 11 Epoch Times 纽约校长工会:市教育局政策捆住了校长手脚
1/ 11 Epoch Times 2200名學子考亨特高中 亞裔約半
1/ 11 New York Post Critics skeptical de Blasio and Carranza can tackle anti-Semitic education in school
1/ 11 New York Post Ex-rubber room teacher wins fight against ‘rampant’ DOE retaliation
1/ 11 World Journal 常春藤大學搖籃 亨特高中入學考試 2500人搶175名額
1/ 10 China Press 布碌仑科技高中楼梯间惊现仇恨犹太涂鸦
1/ 10 New York Post DOE officials sided with victims in less than 3% of harassment complaints
1/ 10 New York Post Anti-Semitic, racist graffiti found on walls of Brooklyn Tech High School
1/ 10 Sing Tao 教局減少停課處分 校長不滿權力被削
1/ 9 Chalkbeat After boycotting his own advisory group, Carranza returns, slamming Cuomo
1/ 9 China Press 校长工会主席指责卡兰纳学校安全政策不当
1/ 9 Epoch Times 黄友兴当选第24学区教育委员会主席
1/ 9 Epoch Times 雷杰纳隆科学奖2020准决赛 纽约州92人入围
1/ 9 New York Post City principals union slams school safety in letter to Richard Carranza
1/ 9 Queens Chronicle Outraged parents at diversity forum
1/ 9 Sing Tao 當選皇后區24學區學委主席 黃友興誓言守護亞裔生權益
1/ 9 Wall Street Journal New York City’s School Disciplinary Approach Ties Principals’ Hands, Union Says
1/ 9 World Journal 黃友興當選24學區委員會主席 捍衛SHSAT、資優班
1/ 9 World Journal 雷傑納隆科學獎半決賽 紐約州27華生入圍
1/ 8 CBS New York School Board Member To Be Suspended For Racial Slurs About Asians
1/ 8 Chalkbeat Cuomo doubles down on shifting money to needy schools
1/ 8 China Press 歧视亚裔 科迪被禁出席学委会
1/ 8 China Press 纽约州27华裔学生获科学人才探索奖
1/ 8 Daily Signal This Legendary Civil Rights Advocate Is Taking on School Diversity Quotas
1/ 8 Sinovision 蔑称亚裔“黄种人”非裔教委处理结果出来了
1/ 8 World Journal 針對科迪不當言論 第22學區教育理事會禁止她兩次參會
1/ 8 World Journal 雷傑納隆科學獎半決賽 紐約州92人入圍 近1/3為華生
1/ 7 China Press 纽约市教育局同意布碌仑小学关闭天才班
1/ 7 New York Daily News NYC DOE OKs Brooklyn chool’s plan to scrap separate ‘Gifted’ courses
1/ 7 Patch Gifted And Talented To Be Phased Out At Prospect Heights School
1/ 7 Sing Tao 22學區社區教育委員會投票 處罰科迪涉對亞裔歧視言論
1/ 6 New York Schooltalk Top 20 NYC Education Stories To Follow In 2020
1/ 5 Le Figaro Les jeunes filles d’origine asiatique têtes de classe en France, loin devant tout le monde
1/ 3 China Press 28学区家长抗议多元化计划
1/ 3 Epoch Times 28学区家长抗议“校园多元化计划”黑箱作业
1 / 3 Epoch Times 第26学区1/16日举办里民会
1/ 3 Gothamist Angry Queens Parents Wage Campaign Against City's Plan To Desegregate School District
1/ 3 NTD US Test Scores Show No Improvement, Despite More Funding
1/ 3 Sinovision “别想暗箱操纵!” 纽约家长要求“多元化”计划全公开
1/ 3 World Journal 批多元化計畫暗箱操作 28學區家長示威請願
1/ 2 CBS New York Queens Parents Demand A Say In City’s Plan To Diversify School District
1/ 2 NY1 Tensions High at Meeting in Queens About Increasing Classroom Diversity
1/ 1 World Journal 28學區家長2日集會 籲校園改革作業透明化
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