News -- 2022
12/31 New York Post In the name of ‘equity,’ companies are now ignoring educational achievement
12/31 New York Post Scotland police deflect blame after describing pedophiles as ‘minor-attracted people’
12/30 Daily Caller California Medical School Under Federal Investigation For Operating Race-Based Clerkship
12/30 Wall Street Journal The U.S. Government’s Woke Training
12/28 Bloomberg US Immigrants Generate 36% of Nation’s Innovation, Study Finds
12/28 New York Post New York needs school choice, not more money for ever-worse results
12/28 Washington Examiner Facing terrible test scores, states move to nix graduation tests
12/25 New York Post The woke university implosion
12/24 Daily Caller Critical Race Theory Is Ideology Masquerading As Science
12/22 Discourse Racial Balance Is Not a Worthwhile Goal for Public Schools
12/21 CIty Journal The War on Merit Takes a Bizarre Turn
12/21 Epoch Times 莫美倫接共同主席 PLACE NYC新人事名單出爐
12/21 Minding the Campus Affirmative Action at Stanford, Then and Now
12/20 New York Post Amid enrollment drop, NYC Chancellor David Banks must fight for excellence
12/20 New York Post Will Hochul let union pawns keep strangling charter schools?
12/18 Daily Caller Harvard’s Discrimination Problem Goes Beyond Race-Based Admissions
12/16 City Journal Affirmative Distraction
12/16 Wall Street Journal School Boards With New Conservative Majorities Fire Superintendents
12/13 Wall Street Journal Charter Schools’ Success Makes Them a Political Target
12/ 9 City Journal “Equity” and Excellence, Four Years Later
12/ 8 Reason Make American education rigorous again
12/ 6 China Press 李凱健將換黨至共和黨參加明年市議員選舉 (Ari Kagan)
12/ 6 Fordham Institute The case for gifted education
12/ 2 New York Post Randi Weingarten’s ‘alternative fact’ defense of her actions during the pandemic
12/ 1 Commentary The End of Affirmative Action?
12/ 1 Minding the Campus The 2022 ACT: It’s Not All Bad News
11/29 National Association of Scholars Ideological Intensification: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM at Universities
11/28 Daily Caller Dropping The LSAT For Law School Admission Could Hinder Racial Diversity Efforts
11/28 Daily Caller Over Half Of America’s Top Medical Schools Now Teach Critical Race Theory
11/28 Wall Street Journal The School Board Election Revolt Continues
11/25 Blaze School district "opposes and rejects any legislation' against CRT in classrooms
11/25 Wall Street Journal Disparity Doesn’t Necessarily Imply Racism
11/24 Wall Street Journal Law Schools Without LSATs
11/22 New York Post Your kids know they ARE being taught critical race theory despite the denials
11/21 China Press 莊文怡宣布競選第43選區市議員 (Susan Zhuang)
11/21 Epoch Times 寇頓助手莊文怡宣布競選第43選區紐約市議員 (Susan Zhuang)
11/21 Wall Street Journal A Diverse Thanksgiving Without Affirmative Action
11/20 Daily Caller Here’s Why Top US Universities May Be Pulling Out Of High-Profile Ranking System
11/20 New York Post Parent group derides school district leader’s lottery admission plan as ‘DOE Powerball’
11/20 New York Post NY Regents are looking to snap education standards out of existence
11/20 Sing Tao 莊文怡宣布參選第43選區市議員 分享增加警方與教育經費等政綱 (Susan Zhuang)
11/ 18 China Press 社區人士籲保衛教育資源 請願阻止削減特殊高中補助
11/ 18 National Review ‘Diversity’ Is Not a National-Security Imperative
11/ 17 Queens Chronicle Asian students under attack, again, by DOE
11/ 15 UnHerd Anti-racism attacks my American Dream
11/ 11 Fox News Biden Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness'
11/ 10 China Press 華裔鄭永佳領先668票 白彼得翻盤渺茫 (Lester Chang)
11/ 10 Deseret News It’s time for the sun to set on racial preferences in college admissions
11/ 10 Fordham Institute New York City shortchanges its advanced students
11/ 10 Yuan Media 全美亚裔齐聚最高法,声援起诉哈佛、北卡大学法庭辩论,抗议平权“招生”歧视亚裔学生!
11/ 7 Andrew Gutmann The case against affirmative action
11/ 7 Common Sense An Existential Threat to Doing Good Science
11/ 5 Epoch Times 最後衝刺 數百華人法拉盛為李修頓造勢 (Lee Zeldin)
11/ 5 Village Sun Merit matters, especially during an education crisis (Maria Danzilo)
11/ 5 World Journal 李修頓法拉盛造勢 誓言整頓治安 (Lee Zeldin)
11/ 4 City Journal The Case for Optimism on Affirmative Action
11/ 4 City Journal Grutter on the Chopping Block
11/ 4 Sing Tao 李修頓首度法拉盛造勢 (Lee Zeldin)
11/ 3 City Journal Justice Thomas’ Question Exposes Affirmative Action
11/ 3 Epoch Times 美國最高法院兩極化聽審 紐約華人熱議
11/ 3 Fox News Supreme Court could finally fire racialist university bureaucrats
11/ 2 China Press 班克斯将中學錄取方式權交給各學區
11/ 2 Fox News Asian Americans optimistic Supreme Court will end race-based college admissions
11/ 2 Fox News Affirmative Action case: SCOTUS justices were 'on fire' over Harvard's actions
11/ 2 Manhattan Contrarian Some Thoughts On Affirmative Action
11/ 2 RealClear Investigations The Racial-Justice War On Merit-Based Schools
11/ 1 City Journal After Affirmative Action
11/ 1 Epoch Times 美國最高法院就哈佛及北卡招生案辯論5小時
11/ 1 Epoch Times 最高法院開審哈佛招生案 亞裔校外集會反歧視
11/ 1 Harvard Crimson Supreme Court Appears Ready to Ban Affirmative Action Following Oral Arguments
11/ 1 New York Post Supreme Court cases expose ugly truth of elite colleges’ inhumane racial admissions
11/ 1 Sing Tao 亞裔白人學生普遍關注案件 大學平權招生爭議擴至高中
10/31 City Journal Preening Over Preferences
10/31 CNN Supreme Court considers Harvard and University of North Carolina’s use of affirmative action
10/31 Daily Caller Justice Roberts Presses Harvard On Use Of Race-Based Admissions
10/31 Daily Caller Fix K-12 Education And Stop Scapegoating Asian Americans!
10/31 Daily Signal The Real Dispute at Heart of Affirmative Action Cases Now Before High Court
10/31 Daily Tar Heel Supreme Court hears oral arguments in UNC affirmative action case
10/31 Epoch Times 哈佛案今聽審 反AA團體高院前集會撐亞裔
10/31 Epoch Times 紐約華人家長組團赴DC 聲援吿哈佛招生歧視
10/31 Fox News Rallygoers plead with Supreme Court to end race-based admissions: 'Do not scapegoat Asians'
10/31 Fox News Justices hear arguments over affirmative action in Harvard, UNC Supreme Court cases
10/31 Fox News Supreme Court to hear cases that could end affirmative action in university admissions
10/31 Fox News Harvard affirmative action case: Supreme Court must defend color-blind Constitution
10/31 Fox News Affirmative action policies are 'un-American' and 'racist,' Nikki Haley says
10/31 Harvard Crimson Hundreds Rally in D.C. as Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Harvard Affirmative Action Case
10/31 NTD Racially Discriminatory College Admission Policies Receive Rough Ride at Supreme Court (NTD TV)
10/31 Queens Chronicle Anti-affirmative action rally held in Bayside
10/31 Reuters U.S. Supreme Court conservatives lean against race-conscious student admissions
10/31 Sing Tao 高院今開始聆訊哈佛大學收生政策訴訟 300多人華盛頓集會呼籲教育平等權利
10/31 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action Exposes the Secret Meaning of Equity
10/31 Wall Street Journal Can Harvard Discriminate by Race Forever?
10/31 Washington Examiner Racial discrimination has no place in higher education
10/31 World Journal 拉貝拉華社造勢 強調治安教育理念 (Vito LaBella)
10/31 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視案 最高法院今開庭 亞裔聲援:勿用新錯掩舊錯
10/30 Wall Street Journal Race Has No Place in College Admissions
10/30 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視案將開庭 皇后區華裔家長集會聲援
10/30 Yahoo News Asian American groups rally before the Supreme Court to protest affirmative action
10/29 Fox News Supreme Court advancing ‘White supremacy’ if it rules against Harvard: MSNBC guest
10/29 World Journal 最高院10月31日審哈佛招生歧視案 學生社團聲援
10/28 City Journal Where the Boys Aren’t
10/28 Epoch Times 哈佛案下週一聽審 AA平權學生受資助到DC集會
10/28 Epoch Times 不滿治安惡化 紐約亞裔集會力挺選李修頓當州長 (Lee Zeldin)
10/28 Reason Miserable Math and Reading Scores Will Fuel School Choice Movement
10/28 Sing Tao 挑戰民主黨曲怡文 共和黨維樂培8大道籌款 (Vito LaBella)
10/28 Sing Tao 抗衡亞裔教育聯盟周日最高法院前大集會 哈佛大學撥款$2700給90名學生去反示威
10/27 China Press 競選州參議員 維樂培八大道華社籌款造勢 (Vito LaBella)
10/27 City Journal Concern Trolling (Still the Ones to Beat: Teachers’ Unions and School Board Elections)
10/27 Epoch Times 紐約市初中入學申請開始 篩選錄取學校遠少於疫情前
10/27 Fox News 'American dream' at stake in Harvard race-based admissions, say Asian American lawmakers
10/27 Fox News Affirmative action and the Supreme Court -- discrimination of any kind is morally wrong
10/27 New York Post Banks’ middle-school bungle denies crucial opportunities for excellence
10/27 New York Sun New York Governor Candidates Agree: Lift the Cap on Charter Schools
10/27 Wall Street Journal Amid the Pandemic, Progress in Catholic Schools
10/26 Epoch TImes 最高院即將審哈佛招生案 亞裔團體30日集會
10/26 National Review Voters Should Demand Accountability for School Closures
10/26 New York Post Campus ‘diversity’ is a scam used to promote reverse racism
10/26 Sing Tao 紐市近90%公立中學 續採用抽籤隨機招生
10/26 Sing Tao 控告哈佛和北卡大學案件律師 投書「新聞周刊」批招生種族歧視
10/26 Sing Tao 最高法院31日展開聆訊多個民權組織30日集會
10/25 Collegfe Fix Harvard students get $2,700 for pro-affirmative action rally at SCOTUS
10/25 Epoch Times 美亞裔教育聯盟主席新書警告:美式文革的危險
10/25 New York Daily News Restore admissions screens for preteens
10/25 PRNewswire AACE, Partner Organizations to hold Rally to support SFFA's lawsuit against Harvard, UNC
10/25 Wall Street Journal Falling ACT Scores and the Dumbing Down of America
10/24 Chalkbeat NAEP scores show record drop in math for NYC’s 4th graders, but not in reading
10/24 City Journal The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour
10/24 Education Week National Math, Reading Scores Hit Historic Lows
10/24 Education Week Explaining That Steep Drop in Math Scores on NAEP: 5 Takeaways
10/24 Epoch Times 選人不選黨 紐約居民聯盟宣布2022普選背書名單 (Zeldin, Henry, LaBella, Stavisky, Addabbo, Conigliaro, Liao, Colton, Chang)
10/24 Epoch Times 《種族鬥爭理論及覺醒文化:美國文革危險的重演》新書發表
10/24 Minding the Campus Race Consciousness Hangs by a Thread
10/24 New York Post NY parents rip schools after test scores show historic COVID setbacks
10/24 New York Post Fresh evidence that school closures led to dramatic setbacks in learning
10/24 Newsweek Affirmative Action Is Racist—Against Asians. It's Time for SCOTUS to Overturn It
10/24 The 74 Million Nation’s Report Card Shows Largest Drops Ever in 4th and 8th Grade Math
10/24 Wall Street Journal The School Lockdown Catastrophe
10/24 World Journal 選人不選黨 居民聯盟背書9候選人 反對4公投 (Zeldin, Esposito, Henry, Stavisky, Addabbo, LaBella, Liao, Chang, Colton)
10/23 China Press 居民聯盟背書名單出爐 (Zeldin, Esposito, Henry, Stavisky, Addabbo, LaBella, Coniglario, Chang, Liao, Colton)
10/23 Sing Tao 居民聯盟公布背書名單 維護教育安全及平等 (Henry, LaBella, Liao, Chang, Stavisky, Addabbo, Colton, Zeldin, Conigliaro)
10/23 World Journal 砍特殊高中預算 500華裔家長抵制
10/22 Epoch Times 反對削減特殊高中經費 紐約家長紛致信教育局
10/22 Epoch Times 被開除紐約大學知名教授:近年來學生成績普遍下降
10/22 New York Post Elite NYC prep schools aim woke indoctrination at parents too
10/21 China Press 教育局經費工作組提議取消代表性高中組合撥款 華裔家長籲發聲反對取消特殊高中補助
10/21 City Journal False Representation
10/21 Epoch Times 皇后區共和黨眾議員候選人造勢 華人支持者眾多 (Michael Conigliaro)
10/20 Boston Globe I was fired from NYU after students complained that the class was too hard. Who’s next?
10/20 City Journal Yes, Critical Race Theory Is Being Taught in Schools
10/20 Epoch Times 哈佛招生多元化遭質疑 華社:校報數據打臉
10/20 New York Post As simple as ABC, Chancellor David Banks is right on the point
10/20 Washington Examiner College enrollment declines by 1.1% as colleges struggle to make up COVID losses
10/19 CDN Colleges Chose Diversity Over Merit. Now, They’re Getting Neither
10/19 The Federalist Texas A&M Faculty Senate Votes To Exclude Asian Job Applicants
10/18 City Journal Empty Platitude, or Litmus Test?
10/18 New Yorker Why Oakland Parents Are Flocking to a Chinese-Immersion School
10/17 Chalkbeat 24 principals in Manhattan sign petition against middle school admissions screens
10/17 Hechinger Report Colleges that ditched test scores for admissions find it’s harder to be fair
10/17 San Francisco Examiner Ideology or education? That is the choice for the S.F. Board of Education election
10/16 The 74 Million Poll Finds Parents Are Frustrated — & Ready to Change K-12 Education in America
10/16 World Journal 紐約市擬大減特殊高中經費 公校預算將偏重遊民家庭學生
10/15 Epoch Times 自豪還是不快?紐約華人談「亞裔模範」
10/14 Epoch Times 高院將審哈佛招生歧視案 亞裔組織30日DC集會
10/14 RealClear Education Why Are Student Test Scores Plunging? Look at Politicized Education
10/14 Wall Street Journal A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences
10/13 Chalkbeat NYC schools chief criticized for saying some kids deserve top schools more than others
10/13 China Press 亞潮聯盟背書寇頓連任州衆議員 (William Colton)
10/13 Epoch Times 州長候選人李修頓與家長組織座談 闡述熱門話題政見 (Lee Zeldin)
10/13 Epoch Times 圍繞保釋法 鄭永佳和白彼得「打嘴仗」 (Lester Chang, Peter Abbate)
10/13 Paul Mirengoff The real reckoning in higher education: The U.S. is slipping
10/13 Sing Tao 三共和黨候選人訪星島 籲聯邦負責解決移民問題 (Lester Chang, Vito LaBella, Stefano Forte)
10/13 Wall Street Journal Stanford Apologizes to Jews; Will Harvard apologize to Asian-Americans in 70 years?
10/12 Chalkbeat Cuts to specialized high schools, money for homeless students: task force weighs budget changes
10/12 City Journal Without a “Diversity” Leg to Stand On
10/12 Sing Tao 鄭永佳籲廢除保釋法並派軍隊維安 白彼得批其非選區居民不瞭解情況 (Peter Abbate, Lester Chang)
10/12 The 74 Million ACT Scores Fall to Lowest Level In 30 Years
10/12 Wall Street Journal China’s Universities Rise in World Rankings as American Schools Continue to Falter
10/11 Education Next What Next for New York Charter Schools?
10/11 Real Clear Politics Race-baiting, CRT Still High on Teachers Unions' To-do List
10/10 Wall Street Journal The Real Asian-American Race Issue
10/10 World Journal 寇頓拚連任 華社熱情相挺 (William Colton)
10/ 9 China Press 教育倡导组织PLACE NYC公布普选背书名单
10/ 9 China Press 多侨团联办筹款会支持寇顿竞选连任 (William Colton)
10/ 9 New York Post Give your customers what they want, NYC schools — or see more of us parents flee
10/ 9 Sing Tao 華社支持寇頓競選連任 (William Colton)
10/ 8 Epoch Times PLACE NYC邀李修頓下週二舉辦線上會議 (Lee Zeldin)
10/ 8 World Journal 教育政策鮮明 李修頓選戰利器 (Lee Zeldin)
10/ 8 World Journal 「霍楚屢拒會面」 紐約華裔教育人士挺李修頓 (Lee Zeldin)
10/ 7 Epoch Times 民意進不了州府 紐約家長:改投共和黨 (Lee Zeldin)
10/ 7 Sing Tao 李修頓里民大會公校前舉行 呼籲父母參與子女教育 (Lee Zeldin)
10/ 6 China Press 亞潮聯盟背書共和黨州長候選人李修頓 (Lee Zeldin, others)
10/ 6 Epoch Times 「真相工程」揭露的極左老師 換學校繼續教課
10/ 5 Epoch Times 州主計長:教育局助學生接受高等教育準備工作不足
10/ 5 Epoch Times 「亞潮萌」背書共和黨紐約州長候選人李修頓 (Lee Zeldin, others)
10/ 5 Fox 5 Fairfax Co. parents upset over new grading scale
10/ 5 New York Post NYU’s firing of Professor Maitland Jones Jr. should frighten every American
10/ 4 Chalkbeat Where do Hochul and Zeldin stand on education?
10/ 4 New York Post Insane school spending and meager student results reveal educrats’ real priorities
10/ 4 New York Post Many NYC public school grads aren’t ready for college, state audit finds
10/ 4 New York Post NYU professor says he was fired after students complained class was too hard
10/ 4 Sing Tao 紐約大學教授遭解僱 82學生投訴課程太難
10/ 4 Sing Tao 亞潮萌背書州長候選人李修頓 認同其社區安全和經濟政策
10/ 4 The 74 Million Screening Is Back in at NYC Middle & High Schools — But Will It Help or Hurt?
10/ 4 Wall Street Journal Racial Preferences Harm Their Beneficiaries, Too
10/ 4 Wall Street Journal Illinois’s Shocking Report Card
10/ 3 China Press 州眾議員候選人鄭永佳 籌款造勢 (Lester Chang, Vito LaBella)
10/ 3 New York School Talk Is the ‘Fame’ School Gonna Live Forever? Not Under This Principal!
10/ 3 World Journal 州眾議員候選人鄭永佳 籌款造勢 (Lester Chang, Vito Labella)
9/30 China Press 寇頓發起 社區集會促徹底取消抽簽入學 (William Colton)
9/30 China Press 面對争議 教育局改革高中抽簽錄取
9/30 Epoch Times 紐約市教育局未取消抽籤入學 布碌崙家長不滿 (William Colton, Ari Kagan, Nicole Malliotakis, Inna Vernikov, Lester Chang)
9/30 James Martin The ACT is Still Useful -- Don't Drop It
9/30 World Journal 紐約公校錄取新政策 對華生影響好壞參半
9/29 Epoch Times 紐約市公校入學指南出爐 家長組織欲恢復入學考
9/29 New York Post NYC changes controversial high school admissions process
9/29 New York Post UPenn doctor: ‘Anti-racist’ policies are wrecking American medicine
9/29 Reason Public Schools Experiencing 'White Flight'
9/29 Sing Tao 寇頓等組織集會 籲恢復中學公平錄取 (William Colton, Ari Kagan, Peter Abbate, Inna Vernikov, Nicole Malliotakis)
9/28 New York Post State data offer further proof that school lockdowns were a disaster
9/28 Sing Tao 州會考成績公布 亞裔生及格率第一
9/27 China Press 劉醇逸緻函市教育局要求摒棄高中抽簽錄取制 (John Liu)
9/26 AMNY Senator Liu tells Chancellor Banks to fix high school admissions process
9/26 World Journal 寇頓連任籌款會 華社齊聚造勢 (William Colton)
9/25 China Press 衆議員寇頓競選連任籌款會舉行 華社踴躍到場支持 (William Colton)
9/25 New York Post New Yorkers, facing poorly performing schools, need more choice (Lee Zeldin)
9/24 China Press 副州長參選人艾麗生訪南布碌侖華社 分享政見 (Alison Esposito)
9/24 China Press 寇頓籲繼續抗議抽簽入學及遊民收容所計劃 (William Colton)
9/24 Epoch Times 共和黨候選人華社拜票 華人讚「說出心聲」 (Alison Esposito)
9/24 World Journal 反對紐約抽籤錄取 寇頓號召29日示威 (William Colton)
9/23 New York Times Stop Making Asian Americans Pay the Price for Campus Diversity
9/21 CACAGNY Repeats Warning on Social Emotional School Surveys
9/19 CACAGNY Provides Update on Discovery Expansion Lawsuit
9/16 Epoch TImes 「真相工程」曝光學校如何灌輸學生社會主義
9/16 Epoch Times 恢復篩選錄取?紐約市教育局預計下週公布標準
9/16 Epoch Times 2700名家長連署 反對高中繼續抽籤錄取
9/16 Epoch Times 逾兩百無證移民學生開學初湧入24學區 全紐約市恐破千
9/15 Wall Street Journal A Racial Bias Lawsuit Hits Pfizer
9/15 World Journal 紐約教育總監鬆口 家長連署反高中抽籤
9/14 New York Post NY Board of Regents attack educational standards again
9/14 New York Post NY students continue to be allowed to graduate with lower test scores
9/13 Epoch Times 紐約治安走樣 民主黨議員與選民改挺李修頓選州長 (Lee Zeldin)
9/13 Washington Free Beacon Public University Hit With Class Action Suit Over Race-Based Hiring Practices
9/12 Minding the Campus Lowery v. Texas A&M: The Beginning of the End of DEI Discrimination?
9/11 Harvard Crimson Supreme Court to Hear Arguments in Harvard Affirmative Action Case on Oct. 31
9/10 New York Post Affirmative action hurts Asian-Americans—but the left just shrugs
9/ 9 Epoch Times 民主黨議員跨黨背書 共和黨新星富特:推翻保釋法 (Stefano Forte)
9/ 8 Daily Caller California School Hosts LGBTQ Club For 4-Year-Olds
9/ 8 Global News Wire Lawsuit Filed Against CT Schools by Parents Opposing Critical Race Theory
9/ 8 Washington Examiner Teacher defines 'fascist' to class as 'whites,' 'heterosexuals,' and 'Christians'
9/ 6 New York Post Why schools won’t tell parents what their kids are being taught
9/ 6 University of Rochester What is the best way to group students?
9/ 5 Daily Caller How US Universities Are Watering Down Standards In The Name Of ‘Diversity’
9/ 5 Epoch Times 共和黨人富特參選新11選區州參議員 (Stefano Forte)
9/ 2 Wall Street Journal How Teachers Are Secretly Taught Critical Race Theory
9/ 1 City Journal Harvard’s Affirmative Action Rationale Is Bogus
9/ 1 Commentary Schoolchildren Are Not ‘Mere Creatures of the State’
9/ 1 New York Post Teachers unions own the tragedy of massive learning loss during school closures
9/ 1 New York Post Two decades for $200 billion: How teachers unions sold out our kids in the pandemic
9/ 1 New York Post Parents fume about drop in national test scores over COVID pandemic
9/ 1 New York Times WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR?
8/31 Epoch Times 最後一刻 紐約家長籲州長否決「小班制」法案
8/31 World Journal 上千名家長連署 籲霍楚否決縮班案
8/29 NJ Education Report Fewer Than Half of Parents Trust Teachers on Gender and Sexuality
8/29 Parents Defending Education Principal: teachers are “addressing the unwritten history and systemic racism”
8/29 Sing Tao 籲州長否決小班制 華人家長發起連署
8/28 Parents Defending Education Teacher makes video about how she keeps secrets from parents
8/27 New York Post Controversial NYC principal Namita Dwarka, accused of grade-fraud, gets promoted
8/27 New York Post Bias hotlines at US colleges have led to a witch hunt culture on campus
8/26 New York Post How to make sure schools don’t brainwash our kids with ideology of the right OR left
8/26 New York Post Colorado students told in video to ‘avoid police’ if they see a racist attack
8/26 Teacher Misery Violent and Destructive Student Behavior Getting Worse
8/25 Alpha News Licensure changes ask teachers to make students ‘agents of social change’
8/25 New York Post Bias hotlines popping up at schools across US may foster culture of fear
8/24 Minding the Campus Free to Divide and Indoctrinate
8/24 Virginia Pilot Virginia Beach School Board meeting gets heated over ‘porn peddling’ accusation
8/23 Epoch Times 紐約市議會聽證要恢復教育預算 專家質疑資金使用效率
8/23 Fox News Radical gender theory has now made its way into more than 4,000 US schools
8/23 New York Post NYC private school parents livid over ‘woke’ librarian on Twitter
8/22 Wall Street Journal Racial Discrimination and Harvard’s Invidious Boxes
8/21 New York Post Parents and the left are in an all-out war, and the kids are collateral damage
8/21 New York Post New York teacher exposes state school-system sham — where guessing gets you a pass
8/21 The 74 Million Parents Tell What It Would Take to Get Their Kids Back into NYC Public Schools
8/20 Epoch Times 華人五大顧慮 紐約第十國會參選人向選民表立場 (Maud Maron, Brian Robinson)
8/20 World Journal 紐約知行教育中心 提供一站式教育 (Toby Ann Stavisky, Vickie Paladino, Grace Meng)
8/19 China Press 紐約知行教育中心開張剪彩 華商會總幹事王能任校長 (Toby Ann Stavisky, Vickie Paladino, Grace Meng)
8/19 Epoch Times 紐約市有近半亞裔 英語能力有限
8/19 Epoch Times 紐約首家一站式教育平台 「知行教育中心」法拉盛隆重揭幕 (Toby Ann Stavisky, Vickie Paladino, Grace Meng)
8/19 Wall Street Journal Education Schools Have Long Been Mediocre. Now They’re Woke Too
8/18 China Press 劉醇逸舉辦社區裏民會探讨教育改革
8/18 Epoch Times 紐約華生高中志願無一抽中「用脚投票」離開公校
8/18 Epoch Times 州參議員辦教育里民會 聚焦公校小班制
8/18 Epoch Times 阻特許學校請第三方辦高中 紐約教師工會遭法庭駁回
8/18 World Journal 反高中入學抽籤 第26學委會開跑
8/18 World Journal 志願全落空 華生分到治安最差區高中
8/17 Chalkbeat Philadelphia reintroduces test score requirement for magnet admissions
8/17 City Journal How Gender Radicalism Conquered Sacramento Schools
8/17 Daily Caller Teachers Union Runs Ad Calling Conservative Parents ‘Extremists’
8/17 Fox News Lawyers react to 'illegal' agreement in Minneapolis to lay off White teachers first
8/17 New York Post Minneapolis school district defends plan to lay off white teachers first
8/17 Sing Tao 劉醇逸舉辦「教育社民會議」 焦點集中在應否推行小班制
8/17 Sing Tao 阻建新特許高中 法官判工會敗訴
8/17 Wall Street Journal Minneapolis Schools Discriminate by Race
8/17 WHYY Philly public schools drop writing sample, add standardized tests back to admissions process
8/16 City Journal Putting Parents Back in Charge
8/16 National Association of Scholars Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Take Over the University of Tennessee
8/16 New York Post Teachers union places wokeness above seniority — at the expense of whites and kids
8/16 New York Post California school district curriculum includes ‘Genderbread Identity’ man
8/16 New York Teacher Guessing C For Every Answer Is Now Enough To Pass The New York State Algebra Exam
8/16 World News Judge dismisses lawsuit by New York City Teachers Union seeking to block charter high school
8/15 China Press 參選17選區州參議員維樂培訪華社 (Vito LaBella)
8/15 Epoch Times 紐約市教育總監驚詫五千學生沒能抽中任何志願高中
8/15 New York School Talk Parents Reveal What It Would Take To Get Them Back Into NYC Public Schools
8/15 World Journal 紐約市高中抽籤入學5千人落榜 教育總監裝傻?
8/14 Daily Caller Michigan Trains Teachers to Hide Students’ Names, Pronouns From Parents
8/14 New York Daily News NYC parents are heading to the exits. Open more school doors to keep them
8/13 Alpha News Minneapolis teachers union contract calls for layoffs of white teachers first
8/13 College Fix Professor blocked for tweeting ‘all men are created equal’ files First Amendment lawsuit
8/13 New York Post Parent leaders ‘school’ Banks on ramifications of new HS admission rules
8/13 New York Post Why all kids should take the SAT: Student’s defense of standardized testing
8/11 Fox News Supreme Court to hear case that could end 40 years of race-based admissions
8/10 City Journal Soldiers for the Gender Revolution
8/10 Legal Insurrection Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California Gets Paid to Resign
8/10 New York Post New York hands out worthless diplomas to high school ‘grads’
8/ 9 Daily Caller ‘Sneak Attack’: Charter Schools Sue Biden Administration Over New Rules
8/ 9 Fox News Charter schools sue the Biden administration's Dept. of Education over new regulations
8/ 9 Legal Insurrection School District Encourages Entire Town to Report Violations of ‘Anti-Racist’ Policy
8/ 9 Washington Examiner Charter schools sue Biden education secretary over new funding rules
8/ 9 Washington Free Beacon Princeton Introduces ‘Diversity’ Search Filter for University Vendors
8/ 8 Campus Reform UCSD to become a "Hispanic-Serving Institution" (25% Latinx undergrads minimum)
8/ 8 Fox News Mom rips pronoun guidance, urges school choice: 'The money needs to follow students
8/ 8 New York Post It’s back to school soon — but not to failing, woke public schools for many families
8/ 8 New York Post NY high school graduation rates may have been ‘inflated’ during COVID pandemic
8/ 8 Epoch Times 批評者:「高分通脹」將讓紐約文憑一文不值
8/ 7 Epoch Times Parents Suing School Board for Asking Students Their Gender Pronouns, Sex Lives
8/ 7 World Journal 「暑期學習夏令營」結業 盼培養華裔領導者
8/ 6 Epoch Times 保守派立場堅定 廖安怡籲亞裔選民投票創新氣象
(Sharon Liao, Stefano Forte, Tom Zmich, Joe Pinion, Robert Speranza, Ruben Cruz, Vickie Paladino)
8/ 6 New York Post A NYC school diploma isn’t worth the paper it’s written on (Manhattan Institute)
8/ 6 New York Post New York’s slimy educrats strike again with Regents question that cannot be named
8/ 5 Epoch Times 美最高院10月聽審哈佛招生歧視案 各方造勢
8/ 5 Go2Tutors San Diego Schools Say Giving Tests Is Racist
8/ 4 Campus Reform Professor renounces tenure due to ‘woke takeover of higher education’
8/ 4 China Press 紐約州長參選人李修頓訪八大道華社 闡述政綱 (Lee Zeldin)
8/ 4 Epoch Times 李修頓8大道拜票 與華裔選民互動引共鳴 (Lee Zeldin)
8/ 4 Fox News Universities embrace academia's woke insanity to crush free speech
8/ 4 New York Post The teachers union’s cynical bid to steal NYC school control from Mayor Adams
8/ 4 Washington Free Beacon Harvard Students, Professors Demand Cancellation of Exonerated Professor
8/ 4 World Journal 州長候選人李修頓 布碌崙華社辦政見會 (Lee Zeldin)
8/ 3 City Journal A Tale of Two High Schools
8/ 3 City Journal The Dismantlers
8/ 3 Fox News Parents' rights group sues Iowa school district over gender transition policies
8/ 3 Minding the Campus Pride and Prejudice: Don’t You Dare Upend the “Race-Conscious” Status Quo
8/ 3 New York Post Higher ed unites against Asian students in Supreme Court’s Harvard discrimination case
8/ 3 New York Post Let’s stop loud radicals from drowning out the pro-American majority
8/ 3 RealClear Education Break the K-12 Monopoly
8/ 1 China Press 州參議會17選區共和黨參選人維培嘉訪僑報暢談政見 (Vito LaBella)
8/ 1 Sapir The Merit of Meritocracy
8/ 1 Washington Examiner ‘Wokeness,’ diversity, overtakes 3Rs in college teacher training
8/ 1 World Journal 紐約在家自學 疫期至今倍增
7/31 Wall Street Journal Stop Classroom Learning, Lose Students
7/31 World Journal 紐約市高中抽籤報告 亞裔成最大輸家
7/30 New York Post Asian students are biggest losers in new NYC school admission system
7/30 Washington Free Beacon One Medical Board Is Injecting DEI Into All Aspects of Medical Education
7/29 Daily Signal Portland Schools Teaching Young Children About ‘Infinite Gender Spectrum’
7/29 Daily Signal Conservative College Student: Here’s How Universities Fail to Prepare Future Leaders
7/29 New York Post Fleeing families will leave New York without a future
7/28 New York Post We must fight back against health care’s terrifying conquest by the radically woke
7/27 Fox News Parents push back on American colleges promoting DEI initiatives: 'DEI is dangerous'
7/27 New York Post COVID taught 1M parents there are alternatives to failing public schools
7/27 NJ Education Report NJEA Is Teaching First Grade Teachers How to Perform ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’
7/26 Wall Street Journal Medical Education Goes Woke
7/25 Washington Examiner Maryland school district bars staff from telling parents about gender transitions
7/24 China Press 競選國會衆議員 莫美倫冒暑八大道談政綱争取華裔選票 (Maud Maron)
7/24 Legal Insurrection Teacher Blew Whistle On CRT In Schools, Suffered Retaliation, But Prevailed
7/24 New York Post Fake outrage over City Council’s ‘tiny’ school budget cut may spark bad precedents
7/24 Sing Tao 聯邦眾議員參選人訪8大道 莫美倫批牛毓琳極端激進派 (Maud Maron)
7/24 Wall Street Journal The LSAT and Other Standardized Tests Are Good for Diversity
7/23 Epoch Times 州議員強推小班制法案 紐約市公校家長商議無果
7/23 NTD TV 劉醇逸推小班制 紐約家長聯合抗議
7/23 Sing Tao 劉醇逸與家長溝通 舌劍唇槍沒有共識
7/23 Sing Tao 30多位中外家長貝賽示威 抗議劉醇逸小班制教育法案
7/23 World Journal 劉醇逸會抗議家長 重申提案未要求學子遷學區
7/23 World Journal 反對公校小班制提案 華裔家長頂烈日抗議
7/23 World Journal 參選州參議員 曲怡文訪法拉盛華商會 籲更多華人投票 (Iwen Chu)
7/22 China Press 皇後區家長集會抗議公校小班化法案 籲州長否決
7/22 Epoch Times 紐約州眾議員候選人廖安怡 拜訪中華公所 (Sharon Liao)
7/22 New York Post How colleges use SAT-optional applications to covertly impose affirmative action
7/22 QNS Queens parents protest legislation mandating decreased public school class sizes
7/22 Sinovision 紐約兩學區5千學生或將面臨入學難? 家長要求州長否決小班化法案
7/21 Daily Caller 50 School Districts Granted $10,000 By ‘It Gets Better Project’ To Promote Gender Ideology
7/21 Epoch Times 紐約第十選區國會議員論壇 議題聚焦教育與經濟
7/21 New York Post Take on the teachers union and veto the class-size bill, Gov. Hochul
7/21 The 74 Million When Grades and Test Scores Don’t Add Up, Who Can Parents Trust?
7/20 Catholic Current Grade Inflation: The Great Destroyer (Wai Wah Chin)
7/20 China Press 首次參政競選州第40選區衆議員 廖安怡訪僑報暢談政見 (Sharon Liao)
7/20 New York Post Enrollment down in traditional NYC public schools, as charters grow
7/20 World Journal 特許高中頂峰學院招生 升學就業雙選擇
7/19 Fox News Oregon DOE anti-bias training accuses White people of having a 'thorough racist conditioning'
7/18 Campus Reform Anti-plagiarism policies 'harm Black and Latinx students,' professor argues
7/18 China Press 反對小班制法案 抗議團體發起請願簽名活動
7/18 National Review Bureaucrats Sue Moms Fighting for Transparency in School-Reopening Fight
7/18 New York Post Success Academy shows again that public schools can excel
7/18 New York Post Eighth-graders at Success Academy pass majority of Regents
7/18 Wesley Yang Substack Yes, Things Are Really As Bad As You've Heard
7/17 New York Post Those destroying public schools don’t want you thinking about alternatives
7/17 Wall Street Journal Co-Opting the Parents Revolt
7/16 Epoch Times 小班制削減好學校學額 家長籲州長否決
7/16 MSN Teachers Unions Are Why More Parents Want School Choice
7/16 Quillette The ACT Discriminates...but not in the way you might expect
7/15 New York Post NYC projects enrollment losses of another 30,000 students this fall
7/15 Sing Tao 教育局悲觀預測 明年入學再減3萬
7/15 Washington Free Beacon Parent Who Exposed Pornographic Library Books Sues After School Bans Him
7/14 Fox News Parents, educators, politicians react to Newsom education award: 'Slap in the face'
7/14 Fox News Education Dept. to investigate racial affinity groups at New York City middle school
7/14 Gallup Confidence in Public Schools Turns More Partisan
7/14 New York Daily News NYC projects student enrollment will fall by another 30,000, to 760,000
7/14 New York Post Don’t believe the UFT’s fake school funding cut hype
7/14 Wall Street Journal Black, Latino Teachers Collecting $835 Million in Discrimination Lawsuit
7/14 Wall Street Journal How a Public School in Florida Built America’s Greatest Math Team
7/14 World Journal 劉醇逸:州長年底或准縮小班級
7/13 Breitbart Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Grifters Rake in $1B in California
7/13 City Journal The DEI Regime: Every Fortune 100 company has now adopted DEI programming
7/13 Wall Street Journal University of Washington Professor Sues School Over Free-Speech
7/12 Fox News California spent $500M on DEI initiatives, including $50K on 'racial equity' fish dept trainings
7/12 Fox10 News Relaxing standards to ease teacher shortage in Alabama
7/11 Breitbart ‘Dead Honky’ – College of Education Department Chair Commits to ‘Death of Whiteness’
7/11 Fox News Weingarten schooled for tweet about classrooms ‘too politicized:’ ‘Look in the mirror’
7/11 Washington Examiner Emory hit with civil rights complaint for race-based scholarship
7/10 Sing Tao 高中招生流程繼續混亂 教育局被批再次改規則
7/10 World Journal 高中補錄換號碼抽籤 紐約市教局變卦
7/ 9 New York Post NYC parents frustrated by DOE’s waiting lists lottery rule change
7/ 9 World Journal 對手再因連署問題出局 曲怡文劍指普選 (Vito LaBella, Iwen Chu)
7/ 8 Higher Ed College Board no longer disclosing AP test results by ethnicity, state
7/ 8 Wall Street Journal Build a Charter School, Get Sued by the Teachers Union
7/ 8 Washington Free Beacon Blue State Cites George Floyd’s Death To Justify Trans Lesson for Kindergartners
7/ 7 MI Manhattan Institute files amicus brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth District
7/ 7 Ringside at the Reckoning Harvard gussies up its Asian admissions numbers
7/ 7 Sing Tao 新特許學校頂峰學院開放申請 提供國際文憑及職業培訓項目
7/ 6 Epoch Times 又見優質特許高中 紐約同源會線上講解
7/ 6 CACAGNY Introduces Vertex Charter High School to Chinese Families
7/ 5 China Press 紐約居民聯盟召開夏令營線上開幕式
7/ 5 City Journal Biden’s Asian Blind Spot
7/ 4 Sing Tao 高院多單判決保守派獲勝 華人對哈佛案更添信心
7/ 4 Wall Street Journal Virginia Breaks the School-Choice Barrier
7/ 3 New York Post NYC teachers booted amid budget cuts scramble for vacant positions
7/ 2 Epoch Times New York Moves to Bolster Abortion Access, Strengthen ‘Affirmative Action’
7/ 2 New York Post Principal accused of wanting to oust white teachers created school of ‘insanity’
7/ 1 Epoch Times 布朗士新特許高中「頂峰學院」 供華裔學生報名
6/30 City Journal Learning From Asian-American Success
6/29 Inside Higher Ed Let’s Talk About Race and Academic Integrity
6/28 Epoch Times 紐約市公校45名新學監名單出爐 家長有喜有憂 (Robert Holden)
6/27 Journal of Free Black Thought In Search of Systemic Racism
6/27 Sing Tao 華人家長哭訴孩子沒學上 團體籲教育局重做高中錄取
6/27 World Journal 高中抽籤錄取 紐約華人要求按成績重分配
6/26 China Press 抗議高中錄取抽簽政策 百餘名家長學生集會
6/26 Sinovision 紐約家長學生教育局前抗議高中抽籤錄取:努力學習是為了什麼?
6/24 CNS News The Other Inflation
6/24 Epoch Times 紐約教育局高中錄取變抽籤 寇頓號召家長抗議 (William Colton)
6/24 World Journal 高中抽籤錄取 馬克吐溫初中生陷困境
6/23 City Journal The Other Inflation
6/23 Epoch Times 反對搞種族平衡 紐約同源會支持TJ家長
6/23 National Review San Francisco to Return Elite High School to Merit-Based Admissions
6/23 Real Clear Politics Inflated Grades, Lowered Standards and Educational Decline
6/23 Sing Tao 教委4:3否決抽籤收生 洛威爾明秋恢復擇優制
6/22 CBS News Merit-based admissions return to San Francisco's Lowell High after school board vote
6/22 Epoch Times Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes Down the Pike to K-5 Classrooms
6/22 KTUV San Francisco's Lowell High School to return to merit-based admissions
6/22 NBC Bay Area SF Board of Education Votes to Return Merit-Based Admissions to Lowell High
6/22 Washington Examiner On education, the tide is turning in favor of parents
6/21 CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Amicus Brief (Brief)
6/21 Asra Investigates Chinese, Hindu, Jewish groups file brief supporting TJ families
6/21 City Journal Truth Is What Our Schools Need
6/21 Daily Caller Arizona Sues School Board for Dossier That Tracked Info On Outspoken Parents
6/21 Epoch Times 多州議員拒絕兒童變裝表演 紐約反應激烈 (Vickie Paladino)
6/21 The 74 Million Harris Poll: Education Political Driver for Parents Ahead of Midterm Elections
6/21 World Journal 角逐49選區州眾議員 鄭永佳談政見 (Lester Chang)
6/20 City Journal The Assault on Children’s Psyches
6/20 College Fix University STEM program excludes white and Asian males, complaint alleges
6/20 Fox News The definitive proof critical race theory is being taught in our schools
6/20 National Review Bogus ‘Civics’ Bill Will Push CRT on States
6/19 World Journal 趙靖桉挑戰金兌錫 百餘華裔支持 (Kenneth Chiu)
6/18 Epoch Times 五百家長學生怒轟市教育局抽籤入學制 (Maud Maron, Vito LaBella)
6/18 New York Post Councilwoman Vickie Paladino doubles down criticism of drag storytelling in schools
6/18 New York Post Teachers say they’re pushed to pass students who skipped class all year
6/18 Sing Tao 300餘家長學生教局集會 抗議高中抽籤收生政策
6/18 World Journal 逾百家長紐約市教育局示威 抗議高中抽籤錄取:史上最大災難
6/17 Breitbart Eric Adams Slammed for Promoting ‘Drag Storytellers’ in Schools (Maud Maron)
6/17 Brooklyn News 12 Parents, students protest school lottery system outside Department of Education
6/17 China Press 數百家長學生集會 抗議高中錄取抽簽政策
6/17 China Press 紐約市公校入學率急劇下降 面臨2.15億預算削減
6/17 Epoch Times 家長組織呼籲紐約市 建設更多特殊高中 (Vito LaBella)
6/17 Manhattan Institute New York’s Curriculum Is Critical Race Theory by Another Name
6/17 New York Post Parents, students rally against new NYC high school admission policies
6/17 New York Post Mayor Adams slams councilwoman who said drag queens are ‘grooming’ kids
6/17 World Journal SHSAT準備課程 市議員提案:應為全市學生提供
6/16 Epoch Times 紐約市公校入學人數 兩年大減8萬
6/16 New York Post Elite NYC private schools teach kids that American society must be destroyed
6/16 Queens Chronicle Opposition to HS admissions persists (Robert Holden)
6/16 World Journal 特殊高中 非裔、西語裔錄取率仍低
6/16 World Journal 中華公所辦辯論會 州議員參選人激烈交鋒 (Danyela Egorov)
6/15 Chalkbeat NYC’s specialized high schools continue to admit few Black, Latino students
6/15 City Journal Avenging Lewis Powell
6/15 Epoch Times 市議員霍頓致信教育總監 要求扭轉不重成績的招生程序 (Robert Holden)
6/15 Epoch Times School Board Group Cuts Ties With NSBA Over Letter Comparing Parents to Terrorists
6/15 Fox News North Korean defector terrified of 'massive indoctrination coming from the left' in schools
6/15 New York Post Enrollment at NYC public schools continues startling plummet
6/15 New York Post New NYC Council bills intend to widen access to elite public high schools
6/15 New York Post Rep. Elise Stefanik in feud with NY education boss over critical race theory
6/14 Legal Insurrection UCLA Law School Launches Project To Track Anti-Critical Race Theory Efforts
6/14 New York Post Queens councilman rips NYC high school admissions process in memo to DOE (Robert Holden)
6/14 Parent sues school district leaders for discriminating against white students
6/13 New York Post Class size matters only as a UFT dodge to gain control of schools
6/12 Epoch Times Oregonians Say Education on Wrong Track, Overwhelmingly Support School Choice
6/12 Fox News The left wants to use education to 'disrupt' and 'dismantle' American institutions
6/12 Fox News Eli Steele: Jodi Shaw and the Racial Mask of Whiteness
6/12 Sing Tao 市府花逾20萬元公帑 聘變裝皇后到學校表演
6/11 Asra Investigates #1 HS math teachers note 'lowering of standards'
6/11 Epoch Times 家長對紐約教育失望:如果明年不改就離開
6/11 Epoch Times 紐約家長要求州長否決 公校控制權和小班制法案
6/11 New York Post Horace Mann student denounces progressive faculty, says students self-censor
6/11 New York Post Frustrated dad sues swanky LA school over ‘racially divisive, anti-Semitic’ curriculum
6/11 New York Post NYC teacher describes school violence amid push for ‘restorative justice’
6/11 New York Post Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools, records show
6/11 Sing Tao 反對市長公校控制權及小班化法案 多組織州長辦公室門前集會籲否決
6/11 World Journal 好成績難進好學校…紐約市高中錄取放榜 華生多失望
6/11 World Journal 延長市長控制權 縮小班級規模…華人集會促州長否決
6/10 Epoch Times 紐約市高中錄取放榜 「篩選錄取」變抽籤 家長抱怨
6/10 Epoch Times Missouri Attorney General Subpoenas School Districts Over Invasive Student Surveying
6/10 New York Post Parents call on Gov. Kathy Hochul to veto bills on mayoral control, class sizes
6/10 New York Post Charters fight back against another federal assault
6/10 Sing Tao 入學不再強調成績 家長不滿收生改革
6/ 9 Fox News Mom blasts teachers' association for claiming standardized tests are 'dangerous' and 'white-centered'
6/ 9 New York Post De Blasio’s HS-admission stinkbomb could destroy NYC’s public-school system
6/ 9 New York Post Parents fuming over HS placements under revamped admission system
6/ 8 Epoch Times 不願激進派綁架民主黨 紐約溫和與保守派草根挺身參選 (Brian Robinson)
6/ 7 Pennsylvania Record Parents suing Phila. Schools over racist admissions policies, seek injunction
6/ 6 New York Post We cannot let the shameful failures of the public-school system continue
6/ 5 World Journal 州級選舉共和黨有信心 籲選民著重政綱 (Lee Zeldin, Vito LaBella)
6/ 4 China Press 選區重劃影響兩黨政局 逐鹿州長共和黨有信心 (Vito LaBella)
6/ 4 New York Post Here’s why all students need agency rather than ‘equity’
6/ 3 China Press 訪華康會強調安全 拉貝拉參選第17選區州參議員 (Vito LaBella)
6/ 3 World Journal 撤銷資優班已駁回 同源會慶抗議成功
6/ 3 World Journal 州參議員參選人拉貝拉訪布碌崙華社 (Vito LaBella)
6/ 2 Fox News Physician accuses medical schools of discrimination based on Kendi's tenets, files complaints
6/ 2 Wall Street Journal My Cancel-Culture Nightmare Is Over
6/ 1 Commentary Equality ≠ Equity
6/ 1 Fox News NYC DOE employee shuts down 'racially-charged' question on controversial book
6/ 1 Tablet Let Everyone Freely Choose Their Gender and Race
6/ 1 Wall Street Journal Harvard Needs Merit-Based Admissions
6/ 1 Washington Examiner Biden administration implements a racial spoils system
5/30 West Cook News OPRF to implement race-based grading system in 2022-23 school year
5/29 Legal Insurrection Failing Grades Soar At Top SF High School After Dropping Merit-Based Admissions
5/28 New York Post LaGuardia High School in NYC in uproar over ‘equitable’ academics
5/28 New York Post NYC DOE official ‘censors’ mom asking about race book during public forum
5/28 New York Post Democrats are gaslighting American parents about school vouchers
5/27 Epoch Times 紐約市治安與教育失格 草根家長投身選戰 (Vito LaBella, Maud Maron)
5/27 Epoch Times 紐約市幼稚園天才班 提名人數無上限
5/27 Wall Street Journal Education Embarrassment in Virginia
5/26 CNBC How Asian Americans became the center of the affirmative action debate
5/26 Epoch Times 紐約同源會籲州議會增加特許學校
5/26 Epoch Times 曼哈頓高院法官 駁回尋求取消天才班的訴訟
5/26 Harvard Crimson A Harvard Without Affirmative Action?
5/26 New York Post NYC kids need real books, not woke BS
5/26 SIng Tao 取消天才班訴訟 遭州高院法官駁回
5/25 CACAGNY congratulates Parents Defending Education
5/25 Daily Caller Dem-Appointed Judge Unravels Liberal Plot To Racialize Schools With Four Sentences
5/25 Epoch Times 質疑官方推薦種族話題童書 紐約學區委員被噤言 (Danyela Egorov, Vito LaBella)
5/25 New York Post Judge dismisses suit seeking to end NYC’s Gifted & Talented programs
5/25 Sing Tao 選區重畫改變選情 拉貝拉挑戰曲怡文 (Vito LaBella, Iwen Chu)
5/24 CACAGNY Invites Members and Friends to Support Campaign to Lift Charter Cap
5/24 Boston Globe As affirmative action decision looms, colleges look for alternative ways to achieve diversity
5/24 CIty Journal A Bachelor’s in Diversity
5/24 CNY Central New York U.S. History Regents canceled because of trauma potential after Buffalo shooting
5/24 New York Post Yet more proof NY’s education leaders hate excellence
5/24 New York Post NY cancels History regents exam after Buffalo shooting massacre
5/24 New York Post Princeton joins the woke rush to purge dissent and debate from US academia
5/24 New York Post Before they can learn ‘antiracism,’ kids need to be literate — & too many aren’t
5/22 City Journal How Really to Be an Antiracist
5/22 New York Post Adults don’t have the right to impose their sexuality on children
5/21 New York Post This book for NYC school kids has AOC instead of ABCs
5/20 Legal Insurrection University of Tennessee System Reinstates Standardized Testing Requirement
5/19 CIty Journal Smuggling in Radical Instruction
5/19 Daily Caller Virginia’s Finds Public Schools Failed Minority Students Amid Equity Emphasis
5/19 National Review Virginia Education Secretary Blames Equity Push for Lowering Expectations in Schools
5/19 RealClear Investigations NYC's Black Mayor Bucks Progressives on the Racial Chessboard of 'Gifted' Education
5/19 Wall Street Journal Princeton Asks Board to Fire Tenured Professor, Citing Sexual-Misconduct
5/18 Legal Insurrection UCF Prof. Fired After Tweeting “Black Privilege is Real,” Ordered Reinstated
5/17 City Journal “Banging Beyond Binaries”
5/17 Fox News Teacher laments lowering of academic standards: 'This has become accepted practice'
5/16 City Journal An Overt Political Litmus Test
5/16 Daily Wire Santa Barbara School Officials Resign Following CRT, ‘Grooming’ Scandal
5/16 Fox News Fairfax Public Schools consider suspending students for 'malicious misgendering'
5/16 Fox News CRT-related ideas found in mandatory programs at 39 of top 50 US medical schools
5/16 New York Post With politics in classrooms, Tuesday’s school-board elections are high stakes
5/16 Sing Tao 亞潮萌15日辦 布碌崙候選人政論會
5/16 The 74 Million Grade Inflation ‘Persistent, Systemic’ Even Prior to Pandemic, ACT Study Finds
5/16 World Journal 布碌崙參選人 政論會各抒己見
5/15 China Press 亞潮聯盟八大道舉行“布碌侖參選人論壇”
5/15 Wall Street Journal A School Choice in Michigan
5/14 Epoch Times 曼哈頓選情激烈 民主黨參選人政見仍勝出 (Maria Danzilo, Maud Maron, Brian Robinson, Denny Salas)
5/14 Fox News MSNBC column claims homeschooling is racist
5/13 City Journal Big Data Can Save Kids -- but draws allegations of racism
5/13 New York Post NYC parents furious over ousting of popular superintendents without input
5/13 Sing Tao 波士頓考試學校入學新政策 讓更多低收入學生錄取進入
5/12 Epoch Times School Board Cuts Off Mom for Reading Sex Scene From Book Available to Students
5/12 Sing Tao 亞潮萌主辦政論會 8參選人各抒己見 (Maria Danzilo, Maud Maron, Brian Robinson, Denny Salas)
5/12 Wall Street Journal California Parents Say No to Anti-Semitic Ethnic Studies
5/11 Fox News School to probe how often students hang out with people of ‘different gender identities’
5/11 Sing Tao 李修頓公布教育方案 保特殊高中考試列其中 (Lee Zeldin)
5/10 Epoch Times 美國會議員憂教育廳挪錢推CRT 華裔家長同感
5/10 Sing Tao 82名國會議員支持哈佛訴訟案原告 力促高院結束大學基於族裔招生
5/10 World Journal 審理哈佛、北卡大招生歧視 共和黨參眾議員聲援亞裔學生
5/ 9 Epoch Times 紐約同源會加入哈佛與UNC訴訟案「法庭之友」
5/ 9 Fox News RI Parents enraged at school board for removing honors classes in 'equity obsession'
5/ 9 New York School Talk Which NYC Schools Will Open Gifted & Talented Programs in 2022?
5/ 9 Sing Tao 哈佛案華人遞法庭意見書 籲關注族裔因素深遠影響
5/ 9 World Journal 哈佛、北卡大招生歧視亞裔 82名共和黨參眾議員聲援
5/ 8 Epoch Times Biden’s Disinformation Chief: Parents Concerned About CRT Are ‘Disinformers’
5/ 8 Fox News Pennsylvania school slammed for hiding kids' gender transitions from parents
5/ 8 Fox News US Navy chief quietly takes woke books off the reading list
5/ 8 New York Post Asian Americans are an ‘inconvenient minority’ for social-justice ideologues
5/ 8 New York Post Rep. Elise Stefanik accuses NY officials of spending COVID funds on CRT
5/ 7 Fox News Missouri parents outraged over how class assignment portrays Republicans
5/ 7 New York Post Kids’ book ‘Our Skin’ in NYC schools blames racism on white people
5/ 6 Breitbart New York Teachers Receive Eligibility Credits for Learning How to Indoctrinate Students
5/ 5 California Globe Education Lawmaking in California is Overshadowed by Teachers Unions
5/ 5 Fox News I was a teacher and I know firsthand progressive policies in the classroom have failed
5/ 5 New York Post Disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz: Parents’ anger at CRT ‘weaponized’ for profit
5/ 5 Washington Examiner Senators from both parties warn Cardona on proposed charter school rule
5/ 5 USA Today College grads expect $103,880 in first job, real salary is almost half
5/ 4 James Martin Center Rescuing “Virtue and Talents” Amidst the War on Tests
5/ 4 National Review You Mean There’s More to College Than ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’?
5/ 4 New York Post ‘Anti-racism’ for 4-year-olds shows how destructive the ideology is
5/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約同源會為天才班提建言 修正制度兩缺陷
5/ 3 New York Post Teachers unions are indoctrinating kids — with Biden’s support
5/ 3 Wall Street Journal Stanford Prof Debunks Research Behind New California K-12 Math Standards
5/ 2 Fox News DC school gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ to identify racist family members
5/ 2 New York Post DC school gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ asking them to identify racist family
5/ 1 CACAGNY: The New G&T and Mayoral Control
5/ 1 New York Post Why was COVID relief cash spent on promoting CRT in schools?
5/ 1 New York Post Yes, Randi Weingarten, this is war — we parents are fighting for our kids
4/29 New York Post Thank Mayor Adams for expanding G&T — but, alas, the plan has some big flaws
4/28 Chalkbeat Philly parents take new selective admissions policy to court
4/28 Manhattan Institute Litigating Affirmative Action: The Road to SCOTUS (video)
4/28 Manhattan Institute Racial Preferences on Campus: Trends in Asian Enrollment at U.S. Colleges
4/28 New York Post NYC schools spend ‘too much time’ on state tests, chancellor says
4/28 New York Post NY among states accused of eyeing COVID relief funds for CRT in schools
4/28 Newsweek Asian Students Excel Because Of Hard Work, Not Rich Parents
4/28 Wall Street Journal Americans for Merit-Based Admissions
4/27 Fox News Why I'm suing my kids' school district
4/27 New York Post The White House must end the shameful federal attack on charter schools
4/26 Epoch Times 推動特許學校發展 彭博向兩校捐2億元
4/26 Fox News California parents, students protest high school's plans to cut honors classes for equity
4/25 Campus Reform Whiteboards are racist because 'they collaborate with white organizational culture'
4/25 City Journal Time for Receivership in Boston
4/25 New York Post Bloomberg invests $200M in NYC’s high-profile charter school networks
4/25 Pennsylvania Record Parent says School violated First Amendment rights during public records inspection
4/25 Washington Examiner Parents are sounding the alarm on woke education for good reason
4/25 World Journal 前紐約市長彭博熱心慈善 迄今捐款127億
4/23 Epoch Times 從哈佛排亞訴訟案 一窺美國高等教育平權政策疏漏
4/22 College Fix University of Illinois requires all faculty to engage in DEI activism, or else
4/22 Daily Caller ‘The Way In Which Wars Start’: Weingarten Freaks Out Over GOP Parental Rights Bills
4/22 Epoch Times 全國家長黨力挺五位紐約民主黨參選人 (Quattlebaum, Egorov, Lozada, Robinson, Danzilo)
4/22 New York Post New Florida law bans critical race theory in schools, work-place training
4/22 New York Post Banned, ‘problematic’ Florida math textbooks include racial-bias graph
4/22 Sing Tao 哈佛大學歧視華人學生訴訟案 成敗深遠影響亞裔在美地位
4/22 Washington Examiner Leaked emails show a California school district is using critical race theory
4/22 World Journal 曼哈頓研究所探討哈佛大學招生歧視案
4/21 Daily Caller Elite Loudoun School Lowered Admissions Standards To Appease NAACP Activists
4/20 New York Post Critical-race-theory advocates are gaslighting Americans for power and profit
4/20 New York Post Science shows transgender education doesn’t belong in schools
4/19 New York Post Ex-school official sues Virginia board over anti-racism training
4/19 Wall Street Journal Backlash Against Biden’s Limits on Charter Schools
4/18 Komo News Math education is 'unjust', plagued by 'privilege' and 'oppression', leadership org says
4/18 New York Post DeSantis wants to keep ‘feelings’ out of math instruction in Florida schools
4/18 Roanoke Star VA Assistant Principal Forced Out of Job After Questioning Race-based Teacher Training
4/18 Sing Tao 哈佛招生涉歧視亞裔案或10月終審 布魯姆:需華裔支持
4/17 Epoch Times Florida School Chief Rejects Math Textbooks Over ‘Attempts to Indoctrinate Students’
4/16 Epoch Times Luke Rosiak: Schools Use Woke Ideology to Hide Dismal Teacher Performance
4/16 New York Post Queens principal booted for fraud will get nice paycheck for 7 years
4/15 Epoch Times 華裔家長:擴大天才班是「正確方向」
4/15 New York Post ‘Community circle’ classroom fad is likely to do far more harm than good
4/15 Sing Tao 市府擴展天才班家長民代叫好 錄取細節尚未明了喜中有憂 (John Liu, Donghui Zang)
4/14 Chalkbeat NYC schools to add “gifted and talented” seats for third grade, kindergarten
4/14 China Press 皇後區民代和華人家長贊揚市長恢複并擴大資優班 (John Liu, Donghui Zang)
4/14 National Review Department of Education to Judge for ‘Equity’ in Awarding Project Grants
4/14 New York Post Public-school parents are thrilled Adams is expanding Gifted and Talented
4/14 New York Post City to expand Gifted and Talented program to more students, districts
4/14 World Journal 參選州參議員…曲怡文訪世報 將為亞裔爭取資源 (Iwen Chu)
4/13 Washington Examiner Virginia AG makes national debut in Thomas Jefferson admissions case
4/13 WTOP Miyares files Supreme Court brief against Thomas Jefferson High’s admissions policy
4/12 China Press 薩赉思訪問紐約中華總商會 (Denny Salas)
4/12 Newsweek States Ask High Court to Halt 'Race-Based Admissions Policy' at Thomas Jefferson
4/12 Roanoke Star Attorney General Fights Discriminatory Admission at Thomas Jefferson (Brief)
4/11 China Press 州參議員候選人伊秀丹拜訪中華總商會 (Danyela Egorov)
4/11 Epoch Times 紐約市長透露將增建特殊高中 籲延長公校控制權
4/11 New York Post Albany hates our kids but loves casinos
4/11 SI Live NYC Mayor Eric Adams suggests creating new specialized high schools in each borough
4/11 World Journal 亞當斯擬每區建1所特殊高中 呼籲保留市長公校控制權
4/10 Fox News Virginia parent fighting race-based admissions wins legal battle, case heads to Supreme Court
4/ 9 New York Post Eric Adams floats building a new specialized school in each NYC borough
4/ 9 NTD Group Fighting ‘Discriminatory’ Virginia School Admissions Policy Heads to Supreme Court
4/ 9 Sing Tao 特許學校未受惠 教育倡導者不滿
4/ 8 Epoch Times 紐約華埠州參議員競選論壇 選民偏好溫和派 (Danyela Egorov)
4/ 7 CACAGNY Hosts SFFA for Lawsuit Updates, Urging Students to join SFFA (SFFA Website)
4/ 7 City Journal California, There We Went
4/ 7 Epoch Times 哈佛大學招生案 原告籲更多亞裔生說經歷
4/ 7 Sing Tao 高院將審哈佛招生歧視案 原告代表籲亞裔學生家長加盟
4/ 7 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視亞裔案 估10月辯論明春宣判
4/ 6 China Press 競選州衆議員 趙靖桉拜訪龍崗公所 (Kenneth Chiu)
4/ 6 Epoch Times 紐約州參議員候選人伊秀丹拜訪中華總商會 (Danyela Egorov)
4/ 5 Center Square Watchdog urges parents to reject plan to de-mathematize math for 'equity'
4/ 5 Ed Source Student math scores touch off ‘five-alarm fire’ in California
4/ 5 Wall Street Journal MIT Leads the Way in Reinstating the SAT
4/ 5 World Journal 州參議員參選人伊秀丹:促進紐約安全 (Danyela Egorov)
4/ 5 World Journal 州眾議員參選人薩賚思:杜絕種族歧視 (Denny Salas)
4/ 2 Atlantic The SAT Isn’t What’s Unfair
4/ 2 Epoch Times 在基層與官員間架起橋樑 臧東慧競選民主黨黨代表 (Donghui Zang)
4/ 1 City Journal Restoring Sanity—and Fairness
4/ 1 Epoch Times Washington State School District Adopts ‘Culturally Responsive’ Student Discipline
3/30 Wall Street Journal Test Scores Count Again at MIT
3/29 Wall Street Journal Go Tech! MIT brings back standardized testing for admissions
3/29 World Journal 與領先大學背道而馳?麻省理工恢復要求SAT或ACT成績
3/28 Chalkbeat NYC Chancellor David Banks: Schools have become like ‘testing mills’
3/28 China Press 亞潮聯盟邀議員參選人闡述政見 (Kennthe Chiu)
3/28 China Press 美東華人辦造勢大會支持趙靖桉競選州衆議員 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/28 Epoch Times 公立特許學校「成功學院」小學報名本週五到期
3/28 Epoch Times 亞潮萌紐約民選官競選論壇 聚焦教育治安
3/28 Epoch Times 紐約居民聯盟年會 聚焦提升青少年領導力
3/28 Fox News This school district might be the worst violator of parental rights
3/28 MIT Admissions We are reinstating our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles
3/28 Tablet Studies Fail to Support Claims of New California Ethnic Studies Requirement
3/28 The Hill MIT reinstating standardized testing requirements
3/28 National Review The Biden Administration Declares War on Charter Schools
3/28 World Journal 紐約華人挺趙靖桉 布碌崙盛大造勢 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/27 China Press 共和黨拉貝拉挑戰郭納德競選22區州參議員 (Vito LaBella)
3/27 Wall Street Journal A Case of Charter School Sabotage
3/26 Epoch Times 公立資金 私人經營 特許學校堪比天才班和特殊高中
3/26 Sing Tao 和索齊搭檔挑戰胡楚 副州長參選人蕾娜訪8大道 (Diana Reyna, Tom Suozzi)
3/26 World Journal 共和黨退休警探選州參議員 挑戰郭納德 (Vito LaBella)
3/26 World Journal 紐約副州長參選人雷娜訪布碌崙 矢志修改保釋法 (Diana Reyna, Tom Suozzi)
3/25 China Press 蕾娜競選紐約副州長 訪八大道華社談政見 (Diana Reyna, Tom Suozzi)
3/25 Minding the Campus Regulatory Capture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education
3/25 Sing Tao 對公校系統失望 華人關注特許學校
3/25 Sing Tao 馬麗奧同華社舉行公共安全圓桌會議 籲修正保釋法並設更多便衣反罪小組 (Nicole Malliotakis)
3/25 Sing Tao 灣脊區郭納德競選連任 面對共和黨退休警探挑戰 (Vito LaBella)
3/24 Epoch Times 特許學校論壇今晚在線舉辦
3/24 Epoch Times 教育政策組新成員 含華人資深教育工作者
3/24 Epoch Times 家長組織籲市長履行競選諾言 恢復天才班
3/24 New York Post Resistance is rising to woke colleges’ race and sex discrimination
3/24 Queens Chronicle Adams appoints 9 members to PEP (Eric Adams)
3/24 Washington Examiner College newspaper yanks article for having too many quotes from white students
3/24 World Journal 鄧炳強獲任命加入市教育政策小組
3/23 AMNY New York City parents advocate for reinstatement of gifted and talented program
3/23 China Press 紐市教育組織促市府恢複擴大資優班
3/23 World Journal 公校教學質量下滑 陳慧華籲增特許學校
3/23 World Journal 選法拉盛州眾議員 趙靖桉訪世報 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/21 770 KTTH WA schools adopt race-based discipline, white students to get harsher punishment
3/21 China Press 特許學校論壇将于24日舉行
3/21 City Journal Diversity Smokescreen
3/21 NY Mag Democrats Must Defeat the Left's War on Educational Achievement
3/19 New York Post Asian parents—fed up with public education—want more charter schools (Manhattan Institute)
3/18 China Press 寇頓舉行連任籌款活動 華人到場支持 (William Colton)
3/18 Sing Tao 臧東慧出選黨代表 從基層角度替選民發聲 (Donghui Zang)
3/17 Washington Examiner Michigan mother sues school district for denying request to view CRT materials
3/16 China Press 三華裔學生包攬雷傑納榮科學獎前三名
3/15 New York Times Making the SAT and ACT Optional Is the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
3/14 New York Post As China’s military tech dominates, Congress demands science bow to racial ‘justice’
3/14 New Yorker What Happens When an Élite Public School Becomes Open to All?
3/13 China Press 百名支持者聚集法拉盛爲趙靖桉競選造勢 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/13 City Journal The Identity Cult
3/13 Tom Loveless San Francisco’s Detracking Experiment
3/12 Washington Free Beacon Read the Classroom ‘Antiracism’ Survey That Has Maryland Parents ‘Livid’
3/11 College Fix SDSU professor who teaches about racism punished for teaching about racism
3/11 FIRE Despair over disparities: systemic racism or systemic dysfunction?
3/11 New York Post Don’t nix merit-based HS admissions, Chancellor Banks
3/11 WTOP Judge won’t delay ruling on admissions discrimination in Va.
3/10 China Press 班克斯宣布高中招生抽簽錄取政策不變 (John Liu, Sanda Ung)
3/10 China Press 華人社團呼籲華人簽名支持寇頓 (William Colton)
3/10 Epoch Times 今年紐約市高中招生「篩選錄取」 會使用抽籤 (Sandra Ung)
3/10 New York Post Racial-equity warriors are hurting the disadvantaged by dumbing down schools
3/10 New York Post America tried exporting woke education — the UK fought back
3/10 Queens Chronicle Asian Parents Defend Merit and Challenge Discrimination Across the Country
3/10 Queens Chronicle Push for charters continues in Queens
3/10 Queens Post DOE Moves Foward With New High School Admissions, Angering Queens Pols (John Liu, Sandra Ung)
3/10 Sing Tao 高中「篩選校」保留抽籤錄取 華人家長稱「憤怒」「失望」 (John Liu)
3/10 World Journal 華人家長批教育局畫餅 應屆生成犧牲品
3/10 World Journal 紐約市高中錄取抽籤不變 11日截止…劉醇逸、黃敏儀震驚失望 (John Liu, Sandra Ung)
3/10 World Journal 寇頓競選連任 華社發動連署 (William Colton)
3/ 9 Breitbart Private School Teachers Implementing Race-Essentialist Curricula, Trained by Black Panther
3/ 9 College Fix Wisconsin professor suspended after criticizing ‘woke dysphoria’
3/ 9 New York Post Improve education for Black students, don’t undermine high-end schools
3/ 9 New York Post Parents set to flee NYC high schools as chief Banks leaves entry to ‘lottery’
3/ 8 National Review Bill to Federalize CRT Must Be Stopped
3/ 7 Minding the Campus “Test-Blind” Is Another Tool for Discrimination
3/ 7 Mission Local The five stages of Lowell admissions grief
3/ 6 China Press 趙靖桉八大道華社拜票獲背書支持 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/ 6 Sing Tao 任命反白人左翼分子 州教育董事會惹爭議 (Robert Holden)
3/ 6 Sing Tao 競選法拉盛州眾議員 趙靖桉獲廣東僑胞會背書 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/ 6 World Journal 教育理念背道而馳 紐約州教育廳任命日裔新校董 華人抗議
3/ 6 World Journal 趙靖桉挑戰金兌錫 獲廣東僑胞聯合總會背書 (Kenneth Chiu)
3/ 5 Epoch Times 州議會討論市長公校控制權 「家長參與決策」呼聲最高 (John Liu)
3/ 5 New York Post Newest NY Board of Regents member is leftist who gripes about ‘toxic whiteness’
3/ 4 College Fix Calif. public university guarantees admissions to black education coalition members
3/ 4 New York Post Academic sabotage at NYC’s famed arts high school
3/ 4 New York Post States sue Biden admin over FBI surveillance of parents protesting school boards
3/ 3 Breitbart Whitmer’s Critical Race Theory Crusade: ‘Education Is the Key to Promoting Social Justice’
3/ 3 Campus Reform Professor calls parents ‘ignorant racist[s]’ for opposing Critical Race Theory
3/ 3 College Fix Feds spend $2.1M in taxpayer dollars to ‘root’ out oppression in plant sciences
3/ 3 City Journal Keep Your Discrimination Quiet
3/ 3 New York Post Parents furious over AP math course bungle at top NYC high school
3/ 3 World Journal PlaceNYC 辦州長參選人論壇 (Lee Zeldin, Rob Astorino, Tom Suozzi)
3/ 2 PM NY Education Department promotes pornographic book to children
3/ 2 World Journal 市教育總監:擬擴大資優班項目 重建家庭對公校信任
3/ 2 World Journal 吸引亞裔支持 紐約州共和黨將在各級成立亞裔黨團
3/ 1 Epoch Times 紐約州共和黨亞裔決策委員會成立
3/ 1 Federalist New Report Shatters Media Lie That CRT Isn’t Taught In Virginia Schools
3/ 1 New York Post NY GOP forming Asian American Caucus to fill void left by Democrats
2/27 World Journal 法官判定歧視亞裔 TJ高中須終止招生新制
2/27 World Journal 保證高質量教學 陳慧華推薦選讀特許學校
2/26 Epoch Times 聯邦法官裁定維州精英高中招生改革 構成歧視亞裔
2/25 CACAGNY Congratulates Coalition for TJ, PLF for Victory in Discrimination Lawsuit
2/25 Daily Caller Top High School In US Discriminated Against Asian-American Students In Admissions
2/25 Daily Caller Here Are The Critical Race Theory Programs Gov. Glenn Youngkin Has Rescinded
2/25 Daily Caller County Restores ‘Cultural Sensitivity Training’; Canceled Previous Contract Due to Backlash
2/25 Epoch Times Florida House Passes ‘Parental Rights in Education’ Bill
2/25 National Review Parent Coalition Wins Asian-Discrimination Lawsuit against Fairfax Public Schools
2/25 South China Morning Post Admissions rules at US high school discriminate against Asian-Americans
2/25 Washington Post Judge calls Thomas Jefferson High admissions changes illegal
2/25 WTOP Judge: New admissions policies at elite school discriminate
2/25 Unherd Anti-racism betrays Asian students
2/24 College Fix Yale moves forward with implementing DEI in all 25 departments on campus
2/23 Campus Reform Bill Gates funnels $1 MILLION to push 'math is racist' narrative
2/23 City Journal The Fight for Curriculum Transparency
2/23 National Review Teachers’ Union Mocks Calls for Transparency, Demands Report on What Kids Learn at Home
2/23 Shelby News Taxpayer-funded federal program trains teachers in critical race theory
2/23 West Virginia News West Virginia wants to end the use of harmful stereotypes in public education
2/22 Asra Investigates Maya Angelou math worksheet asked who 'sexually abused' the poet
2/22 Chalkbeat Parents find NYC’s high school application process as confusing as ever
2/22 China Press 共和黨州長候選人李修頓支持亞裔社區批紐約治安 (Lee Zeldin)
2/22 INtellectual Takeout New Study Suggests High School Curriculum is Dumbed Down
2/22 Wall Street Journal A Ruse to Block New York’s New Charter Schools
2/22 World Journal 共和黨州長參選人訪法拉盛 李修頓反對遊民所 (Lee Zeldin)
2/21 American Conservative TJ High School’s Race Problem
2/21 Fox News Critical race theory-related ideas in mandatory programs at 23 of top 25 US medical schools
2/21 China Press 女教授要求白人男學生讓其他人先發言 紐約州立大學對其譴責
2/21 Fox News Critical race theory-related ideas in mandatory programs at 23 of top 25 US medical schools
2/21 Fox News Binghamton University slaps down professor's syllabus for 'non-white folks'
2/21 New York Post NYC schools need more opportunity — not race-based ‘redistribution’
2/21 New York Post Progressive SUNY Binghamton professor rebuked for race, gender policy
2/21 The 74 Million When Gifted-&-Talented Started to Disappear, So Did Black Kids from Top High Schools
2/19 Epoch Times 紐約市頂尖學區 公校學生流失嚴重
2/19 Paradise Attorney Discusses Lawsuits Against New K-12 School Admissions Processes
2/19 World Journal 9成家長質疑高中入學新規 逾半數考慮搬離紐約
2/18 City Journal Charters for All
2/18 Epoch Times 亞裔組「亞潮萌」專注治安教育等社區議題
2/18 National Review Organizers of San Francisco Recall Hit Back at Critics: ‘Competence Matters’
2/18 New York Post Biracial NC dad slams critical race theory as a ‘discrimination revolution’ in viral video
2/18 New York Post Ousted San Francisco school board president blames white supremacists for recall
2/18 New York Post Judges question elite Manhattan private school’s handling of race controversy
2/18 World Journal 讓政見被聽到 華人成立「亞潮萌」政治俱樂部
2/17 China Press 紐約市高中招生變化使非裔、西裔在頂尖學校入學率提高13%
2/17 China Press 加州議員揚•金:哈佛對亞裔招生政策不公 需相互尊重 (Young Kim)
2/17 Daily Caller Brian Echevarria Eviscerates CRT, Transgender Athletes Directly To School Board’s Face
2/17 Fox News CNN op-ed blames decades of racism for San Francisco school board recall
2/17 National Review Recalled School-Board President Claims ‘White Supremacists’ Are to Blame
2/17 New York Post The left is losing its war on parents
2/17 New York Post Woke-up call: Parents put virtue-signaling school board members on notice
2/17 New York Post NYC families leaving some of city’s top school districts at alarming rate
2/17 New York Post NY’s ‘leaders’ are destroying public education by lowering standards
2/17 New York Times How Asian Americans Fueled the San Francisco Recall
2/17 OCR Voters send clear message to the San Francisco school board
2/17 Queens Chronicle High school admissions and other issues top concerns across boro
2/17 Wall Street Journal San Francisco Schools the Left
2/17 World Journal 紐時稱「花滑隊亞裔比率過高」 亞裔批煽動仇恨 嗆道歉
2/17 World Journal 克勞莉再戰州參議員 (Elizabeth Crowley)
2/16 China Press 公校入學人數下降 紐約市教育局市增投3.23億美元
2/16 Epoch Times 公校學生減少 教育局撥款逾3億彌補赤字
2/16 Fox News Young Kim on fighting Harvard's admission policies, crime targeting Asian Americans
2/16 Fox News San Francisco recalls 3 school board members: 'a clear message'
2/16 Fox News Pennsylvania school removes CNN from classrooms, can choose patriotic videos instead
2/16 New York Post NYC admissions changes will boost black, Hispanic enrollment at top schools by 13%
2/16 New York Post Why Asian Americans like me are the rising new parental power
2/16 New York Post San Francisco recalls 3 members of city’s school board
2/16 New York Times The Conservative Group Challenging Admissions at Elite High Schools
2/16 Sing Tao 紐約州參議會通過立法 增不同族裔教師代表性
2/16 Wall Street Journal San Francisco’s Political Foreshock
2/16 World Journal 捲土重來 前市議員克勞莉參選州參議員 (Elizabeth Crowley)
2/15 Center Square Parents push back against California middle school using 'Wheel of Power'
2/15 Daily Caller Texas School District ‘Equity Specialist’ Admits CRT ‘Lens’ Is Used
2/15 Fox News Indiana teachers predict mass exodus over CRT-inspired bill granting parental oversight
2/15 Fox News Oregon Department of Education links standardized testing to White supremacy
2/15 Spectrum News 1 NY Senate Democrats back teacher diversity measures
2/15 Sing Tao 議員勿再空談 修正保釋法漏洞 (John Liu)
2/15 Unherd What Biden gets wrong about race
2/15 Washington Free Beacon How the American Bar Association Just Radicalized Law School
2/14 College Fix My parents fled communism. But at my elite university, the ideology is alive and well
2/14 Epoch Times 新澤西推出高中畢業考新標準 爭議長達半世紀
2/13 China Press 曲怡文競選八大道州參議員 獲衆民主黨民代背書 (Iwen Irene Chu)
2/13 China Press 民主黨州委員會候選人李壽敏訪中華公所 (李壽敏)
2/13 New York Daily News Elementary school merger stirs debate over race, education in East Village
2/13 Sing Tao 共和黨人力倡教材透明度 家長可查看子女所學內容
2/13 World Journal 台灣移民曲怡文參選州參議員 民主黨官員力挺 (Iwen Irene Chu)
2/13 World Journal 多個學委會 反高中抽籤入學新規
2/12 UnHerd Why anti-racism should be resisted
2/12 Washington Times NY Times faces pushback for calling Asian-Americans ‘overrepresented’ in figure skating
2/11 Fairfax Times FCPS spends tax dollars on PR firm, proposes social media surveillance
2/11 New York Post Audition-based admissions at NYC arts school sets stage for fight
2/11 Wall Street Journal Inside the Woke Indoctrination Machine
2/11 Washington Examiner Another Democrat says the quiet part out loud regarding parental rights
2/10 New York Post San Diego County School Retracts ‘Wheel of Privilege’ Teaching Tool
2/10 World Journal 紐約市公校申請人數下降 特許學校入學率上升
2/ 9 Education Next Exam-School Admissions Come Under Pressure amid Pandemic
2/ 9 New York Post Critics argue new NYC high school admissions policies will harm Asian applicants
2/ 9 New York Post Mayor Eric Adams must crack down on DOE that’s still lowering school standards
2/ 8 Daily Caller Georgia Proposes Anti-Critical Race Theory Bill. Here Are Some Blatant Examples
2/ 8 Fox News VA school district seeks 'social media listening' to deter 'negative actions' towards staff
2/ 8 New York The Left is Gaslighting Asian-Americans About College Admissions
2/ 7 Chalkbeat How a Harlem school uses The 1619 Project in teaching history
2/ 7 Epoch Times Supreme Court May End Affirmative Action in College Admissions, Experts Say
2/ 7 New American VICTORY: New Conservative School Board Fires CRT-defending, Kid-masking Superintendent
2/ 7 New York School Talk Even the NYT Admits What’s Really Needed To Diversify Specialized High Schools!
2/ 7 Wall Street Journal Parents Prevail Over K-12 ‘Bias Incidents’
2/ 5 New York Post Good grades barely matter in NYC’s new high school application process
2/ 4 College Fix Minnesota college drops segregated antiracism training after federal complaint
2/ 4 Fox News Democrats, teachers unions fight to keep parents from learning what their kids are taught
2/ 4 NAS Oklahoma State School Boards Association Scrambles to Take Down Radical Resource Guides
2/ 4 New York Post Critical race theory is about to segregate America like an open-air prison yard
2/ 3 Epoch Times 共和黨州長參選人李修頓 主張增加特許學校 (Lee Zeldin)
2/ 3 Fox News Georgia school district hosts BLM event featuring speaker charged with 'family violence'
2/ 3 Queens Chronicle End middle-school policies that harm Asian families
2/ 3 Queens Chronicle Parents call new policy ‘anti-Asian’
2/ 2 Federalist California School District Tells Kids: ‘Attacking Whiteness Is Not Enough’
2/ 2 New York Post To fix schools in NYC, return to the strategy of closing bad ones
2/ 2 New York Post ‘Undercover Mothers’ reveal how they’re fighting ‘wokeness’ in schools
2/ 1 National Review BLM ‘Week of Action’ Teaching Students to Affirm Transgenderism, Disrupt Nuclear Family
2/ 1 New York Post Biden’s unpopular SCOTUS nonsense shows it’s time to end racial preferences
2/ 1 New York Post Save our schools! The Post’s plea to Hochul, Albany and Adams
2/ 1 New York Post Hochul won’t back charter school expansion due to union’s support: critics
2/ 1 New York Post Enrollment jumps at NYC charters, public schools lose 62,000 students
2/ 1 New York Times The Lessons of Brooklyn Tech
1/31 Epoch Times 加州CFER籲高院糾正哈佛和UNC招生政策
1/31 New York Post State leaders seem bent on pushing everyone to leave NYC’s regular public schools
1/31 New York School Talk All High Schools Are Equal… Some High Schools Are More Equal Than Others
1/31 Reason Hispanic Students Were Forced To Learn Critical Race Theory. They Hated It
1/31 Sing Tao SUNY特許學校 成績遠勝公立學校
1/31 Washington Examiner Indiana House passes bill requiring schools post curriculum online
1/30 Education First Alliance Charlotte Teachers Institute Pays Teachers $1,500 to Teach CRT
1/30 New York Post SUNY-approved charter schools in NYC outperform public schools: study
1/30 New York Post New York keeps spending more on schools and getting less results
1/30 Washington Post Public education is facing a crisis of epic proportions
1/29 Epoch Times 多組織介入 紐約左翼對教育的法律戰仍酣
1/29 Legal Insurrection John McWhorter: End Race-Based Affirmative Action
1/28 Epoch Times 「選擇學校」提案徵簽公益會 關注孩子未來
1/28 Federalist Georgia School District Published Plans To Teach Critical Race Theory, Then Hid Them
1/28 Federalist Dumbing Down The SAT Perfectly Sums Up The State Of American Education
1/28 New York Times It’s Time to End Race-Based Affirmative Action
1/27 Epoch Times Teachers Union Promotes ‘Anti-Misinformation’ Tool
1/27 Fordham Institute Americans have lost trust in public schools
1/27 Fox News Education Secretary Cardona calls on US to 'reset' after COVID-19 and 're-imagine education'
1/27 Washington Free Beacon Mini-Doc on Harvard Case Marks Step Forward for Affirmative-Action Critics
1/26 Breitbart Larry Tribe Tells Harvard to Evade Supreme Court on Racial Preferences
1/26 China Press 《新聞周刊》:爲什麽亞裔正遠離民主黨?
1/26 China Press 精英學校入學考試有利于亞裔?事實并非如此
1/26 City Journal An Awakening Community
1/26 City Journal Progressives Against Transparency
1/26 Conservative Daily News Democrats’ China Bill Hands Out Millions For ‘Diversity’ Programs
1/26 Minding the Campus Harvard, UNC Cases Give SCOTUS Chance to End Racial Preferences for Good
1/25 City Journal An Affirmative Action Endgame?
1/25 Harvard Crimson ‘Bad News for Harvard’: Affirmative Action in Doubt as Court Takes Up Cases
1/25 Epoch Times 美最高法院聽審哈佛招生歧視案 亞裔團體歡迎
1/25 Epoch Times 歧視亞裔?美最高法院將聽取哈佛大學招生案
1/25 Fox News Youngkin drops Virginia plan to eliminate accelerated math courses before 11th grade
1/25 National Review Harvard President’s Dodgy Defense of Discrimination Against Asian Americans
1/25 New York Times How It Feels to Be an Asian Student in an Elite Public School
1/25 Newsweek Why Asian Americans Are Leaving the Democratic Party
1/25 Sing Tao 種族應否列錄取考慮因素 高院受理哈佛招生歧視案
1/25 Wall Street Journal A Chance to Remove Race From College Admissions
1/25 World Journal 哈佛、北卡大招生歧視亞裔?最高法院受理…名校遇最大挑戰
1/24 Epoch Times Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Colleges Using Race in Admissions
1/24 Epoch Times Current Literature Market is ‘Woke’ From Top to Bottom: Heroes of Liberty Editor
1/24 Harvard Crimson Supreme Court to Take Up Harvard, UNC Affirmative Action Case
1/24 Fox News Education Secretary Cardona should resign
1/24 Minding the Campus Anti-Asian Discrimination at the Heart of the Progressive Education Agenda
1/24 New York Post Pennsylvania school board member blasted for ‘appalling’ message to concerned parents
1/24 New York School Talk Who’s Schools Are They Anyway? Should Parents Have Any Say In Education?
1/24 Wall Street Journal Race, Harvard and the Supreme Court
1/24 Wall Street Journal Supreme Court to Review Race-Conscious Admissions Policies at Harvard, UNC
1/24 Wall Street Journal Youngkin Nixes ‘Equity’ for ‘Opportunity’
1/24 Washington Examiner White House touts 'equity' as Supreme Court takes up race-based admissions
1/22 Epoch Times 雷傑納隆科學獎決賽 紐約三華生入圍
1/21 China Press 2022年雷傑納榮科學獎決賽入圍揭曉
1/21 World Journal 亞裔控TJ高中招生未保持族裔中立案 改由法官直接判決
1/20 Fox News Virginia school discriminates against Asians to increase Black, Hispanic enrollment: Lawsuit
1/19 City Journal The Ghost of Jim Crow
1/19 Washington Post Parent-activists, seeking control over education, are taking over school boards
1/18 Daily Mail Elite school in Virginia is accused of discriminating against Asian American students
1/18 Epoch Times 共和黨人楊京就任維州州長 禁公校教「CRT」
1/18 Epoch Times 為了孩子「修復加州教育」 橙縣家長見聞
1/18 Epoch Times 加州與民和解 教育部刪CRT部分爭議內容
1/18 MySA Judge to decide lawsuit alleging admissions discrimination
1/18 New York School Talk NYC Middle School Admissions 2022: Changes… and Hypocrisy
1/17 Breitbart Democrats Silent When Virginia Gov. Says Parents Have ‘Fundamental Right’ to Raise Own Children
1/17 Daily Caller Superintendent Won’t Approve Curriculum That Instructs Preschoolers To ‘Deconstruct Whiteness’
1/17 Epoch Times Experts Explain How Woke Culture is Also Destroying Academia, Corporations, and the Military
1/17 Fox News Michigan Democrats criticized after dismissing parents' role in public education
1/17 The Hill The parents were right: Documents show discrimination against Asian American students
1/17 USA Today [Possible Parody] California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity
1/17 World Journal 紐約治安差、生活品質下降 亞裔社區對民主黨不滿日增
1/16 World Journal 布碌崙選區重畫整合華社 林煜參選新區州參議員 (Yu Lin)
1/15 New York Post Five college students speak out: We’re fed up with campus ‘wokeness’
1/14 Daily Caller School Openly Promotes CRT, Pyramid Of White Supremacy’
1/14 Epoch Times 亞當斯考慮提供公校網課選擇
1/14 Wall Street Journal Can Politics Get Better When Higher Education Keeps Getting Worse?
1/13 OCR Ditching standardized tests spells disaster
1/13 New York Post How college applicants embellish essays with sob stories, fake patents
1/12 College Fix U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure
1/12 Epoch Times 亨利參選州總檢察長:選民向右 (Michael Henry)
1/12 Federalist California District Pays ~$170k to Teach Children To Become Leftist ‘Co-Conspirators’
1/12 New York Post NYC school district braces for another classroom diversity tussle
1/11 Fox News Education Secretary Cardona facing calls to resign
1/11 Fox News Education Secretary Cardona solicited letter calling protesting parents domestic terrorists
1/11 The 74 Million One-Quarter of States Are Leaving Public in the Dark About 2021’s Standardized Tests
1/10 Asra Investigates BREAKING. New TJ admissions 'anti'
1/10 China Press 雷傑納隆科學獎前300參賽選手中華裔學生占43%
1/10 Daily Caller CRT Program Teaches Disabled Preschoolers That ‘Whiteness Affects Everything’
1/10 Daily Wire Leftist ‘Teen’ Group Says Teachers Union Is Behind Protest Asking Kids To Skip School
1/10 Federalist 500 School Districts Publicly Declare Only Woke Teachers Need Apply
1/10 Liberty Nation Leftist Sleight Of Hand On Critical Race Theory; Charles Blow has done it again
1/10 New York Post Florida school bans teaching CRT, gender fluidity, mainstream COVID narrative
1/10 Wall Street Journal An Ugly Game of Race Preferences
1/ 8 Epoch Times 雷傑納隆科學獎準決賽 紐約26華裔學生入圍
1/ 8 New York Post ‘Minority privilege’ now more common amid the growing ‘war on whiteness’
1/ 7 China Press 競選第65選區州衆議員 韓裔李榮恩再發出挑戰 (Grace Lee)
1/ 7 Sing Tao 再生元科學獎半決賽 華裔學生占三分之一
1/ 7 World Journal 雷傑納隆科學獎準決賽名單公布 華生逾3成入圍
1/ 6 Quillette The Pretext of Diversity in American Universities
1/ 5 Daily Signal Why Eliminating D’s and F’s Does Students No Favors
1/ 5 Epoch Times 李榮恩選紐約州眾議員 再次挑戰牛毓琳席位 (Grace Lee)
1/ 5 Federalist California’s Riverside School District Lies About Teaching Critical Race Theory
1 / 5 World Journal 李榮恩捲土重來 爭取民主黨提名再戰65選區州眾議員 (Grace Lee)
1/ 5 Sing Tao 韓裔李榮恩宣布 再次參選州眾議員 (Grace Lee)
1/ 4 Daily Caller New Documentary On Parent-Led Rebellion Against Loudoun County Public Schools
1/ 4 Daily Wire Schools Got $130B To Re-Open. Some Of It Went To CRT. Now Many Are Closed.
1/ 4 Washington Free Beacon Virginia Teachers Fight Woke Plan To Kill Extra Credit, Homework Grades
1/ 4 World Journal 韓裔李榮恩再戰華埠/下東城州眾議員一職 (Grace Lee)
1/ 2 Epoch Times America’s Education System Is Failing: CRT + Lower Expectation = Fewer Literate Graduates
1/ 2 Sing Tao 華人有期待有擔憂 籲實現競選時承諾
Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York